GameStop Advocacy | Teen Ink

GameStop Advocacy

December 16, 2013
By Jhawn Newman SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Jhawn Newman SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Tony Bartel,

As a frequent customer at my local GameStop in Delafield, WI, I love preorders. The idea of a preorder is great, especially the fact that you can pay for your game before its even released. I also love the exclusive add-ons that come with preorders. The From Ashes DLC for Mass Effect 3 has been my favorite exclusive of yours to this date. However, I do have a problem with some of my preorder purchases.

During the last year, I’ve noticed the preorder bonuses for the newer games have been lacking. For example, the Watch Dogs preorder bonus is a poster, the Halo 4 preorder bonus was armor that wasn’t exclusive at all, and the Skyrim preorder bonus really disappointed me. It was disappointing because instead of being something helpful in the game (that would give me an advantage over other players who didn’t preorder the game) it was a physical map which was cool to have, but it wasn’t even helpful because it was more of a poster than a map. Don’t get me wrong posters are cool and all, but please don’t make them the preorder bonus. My advice would be to give the player a reason to preorder, give them an advantage over other customers that didn’t preorder.

Your company has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I hope it stays with me on all of my future game purchases. By increasing your quality or by upping your game in preorders, you would surly give the “Power to the Players.”

Thank you so much for reading my letter, and if you have any concerns or suggestions, please contact me, and again, thank you. And Happy N7 Day!

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