The Balance of the Universe | Teen Ink

The Balance of the Universe

January 23, 2014
By Tiffanilynn BRONZE, North Bonneville, Washington
Tiffanilynn BRONZE, North Bonneville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Balance of the Universe

It’s easy to pick up a pessimistic outlook on your own life when everything seems to be going wrong. Sometimes it seems like nothing is going as planned, and everything upsets you in one way or another. But that’s the beauty of it. Sometimes things are bad, or even terrible. Without bad we wouldn’t have good though. Without negative, we wouldn’t have positive. Without ever being sad we wouldn’t be able to fully grasp the feeling of being happy. If you never felt your lowest low, you wouldn’t appreciate your highest high. Everything in the world has, and needs, balance. That’s when the ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang, comes in handy to demonstrate the different sides of all things natural in a way that illustrates and focuses on equality.

The yin and yang philosophy lies on the idea of coexisting here on earth. Interdependence is key. The moon wouldn’t show if the sun didn’t set. Thinks that are soft may not appear to be if you never felt anything hard. Summer sun wouldn’t be warm if you never felt a winter chill. It wouldn’t feel so wonderful to get a promotion or become a leader if you were never a follower.

The point of yin and yang is to prove that there is balance in everything, everywhere, always. There will be eternal balance in the universe as well. For all the people who are rich, living the high life, there will be people who are suffering from being poor. We may run into mean, evil, selfish people in the world but we must remind ourselves that there are nice, genuine, selfless people out there. For all the hard times in our lives, all the low points, yin and yang gives us hope that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Things will gradually look up because the balance of the universe depends on it.

The author's comments:
I am submitting my piece about an inspirational ancient philosophy. This piece may be used as a reminder of the balance between good and bad. It is written with the intent to get people to lift their chins and accept that things can’t be perfect all the time. I myself have gone through some times where nothing seemed to be going my way, and I thought the world was against me. Then my father told me about what his yin and yang tattoo meant. The meaning hit me in the heart and opened my mind. I just want to pass along the message because I believe it can be useful to others who need a little optimism.

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