Roadblocks | Teen Ink


October 31, 2014
By BlancaPerez BRONZE, Kenniwick, Washington
BlancaPerez BRONZE, Kenniwick, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

At times in life, we seem to just be moving along, when out of nowhere we hit a roadblock. The roadblock is a barrier, separating you from where you want to go. We tend to get frustrated and lose patience. We start thinking of a million and one reasons to give up instead of a million and one ways to fix the problem.
We end up feeling stuck. And when you feel stuck for some time, you start to turn around and go back to where you first began and it’s at those times, that we begin to feel lost. Anger arises and emotions outburst. The tears cloud your view and anger poisons your thoughts. With those; we lose direction and any meaning. We end up stuck, watching others go by, wondering how your life could have come to this. We blame others; when the outrages are reflected back at ourselves, and what we feel is ashamed. Sometimes all it takes is a little push or what it really takes… is time.
Roadblocks are ways of slowing down in order to think. Think about how far we have come and what it takes to go further. We must stop and listen. Stop rushing towards your destination. When you don’t ever stop, you miss out on the wonderful things along the road. We don’t have it altogether. We need wonderful things to become a part of our journey that keeps us going strong and determined.

You’ll never reach your destination if you don’t have something worth living for; if you don’t have passion. Passion comes from finding meaning. For us, it is all different. No one person has the same view. With that, you’re provided with the things you need to gain perspective. You can look at something as a roadblock or time to rest in order to gain strength to rise up tall and push forward through life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 5 2014 at 2:56 pm
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

So true, my friend! Your words ae true and powerful, and I agree with you. :) You have such a beautiful way of writing, your writing is powerful and unique. I absolutely, love this. Thank you so much, my friend! for sharing this. :) You really do have such a talent and greatness and light in you; and you are a beautiful and wonderful, talented writer and person. I say this, because it's true; please, never forget that. Thank you, again. :)