Buried Alive | Teen Ink

Buried Alive

December 5, 2014
By kaciwakeham SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
kaciwakeham SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
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The name of this article is “Buried Alive” by Maren G.  It is about the destruction of America.  Iris was the girl’s name in the story.  Iris was in school when she was boarded into a bus and taken to some underground place to be in a kind of hibernation.  The country had been leveled.  This reminds me of the dinosaurs.  The dinosaurs were all wiped out.  That is how America had been killed too.  Millions of people died.  It never says why exactly America had been flattened, but I think it was because of corruption.  Corruption is a very big problem these days.  People are getting greedier and meaner; there is more war and fighting between everyone.  But at the end of the article, they let everyone out of hibernation.  The first thing that caught Iris’s eye was a single iris flower swaying in the wind.  I think they added this part to give people hope, that the world wasn’t really all dead.  It just needed to be rebuilt and fixed from the corruption.

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