Why Write? | Teen Ink

Why Write?

March 16, 2016
By ThePenIsMightier GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
ThePenIsMightier GOLD, Daytona Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We write because we simply have no other option. Not only is writing a requirement in every aspect of life, but it is also an essential: a basic need for survival. And this nourishment will never be fulfilled.

We write to inspire - to quench our thirsts while developing a taste - to strengthen our palates and discovers newfound flavors, newfound love.

We write because humans are weak. Meek creatures afraid to step out of the assembly line - to have a voice, to disagree - to live, we tiptoe through problems worried about solutions. Writing is an outlet.

Great heroes, compelling stories, and happy endings provoke emotions out of the depths of us, inspiring us to empathize and take a stand as we relate to the fictitious characters and tales hidden between the pages.

We must write because all of literature was written by man. Our own blood brother, pouring out his voice - his soul - yearning to be heard. The least we can do is listen.

Reading and writing literature are not wants - they are needs. Today’s society is so fast-paced and viral that details become obscurities and conversations lost treasures. Between texting, tweeting, and posting, our culture has cultivated to stress “likes,” “friends,”  and “favorites” as a priority. We hide behind false facades yet still expect the truth. Writing, on the other hand, is not an escape, but a purpose fueled by passion - and that’s why we must write - to live. 

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