Why Dr. Seuss Is My Clck Bait | Teen Ink

Why Dr. Seuss Is My Clck Bait

June 5, 2017
By davismkammerer GOLD, Newmarket, New Hampshire
davismkammerer GOLD, Newmarket, New Hampshire
18 articles 0 photos 5 comments

okay, so why is Dr. Seuss one of the greatest artists of his generation? let's cover it book by book. that I've read.

And to think I saw it on Mulberry Street (1937)

man, the city's weird. who said all of them were gold?

Sneetches (1953)

yo, maybe don't hate all the minorities. which was actually a fairly odd message for the time. and still is in u.s.a. and u.k.

the cat in the hat (1957)

Taoism, basically. this is actually the one that got me thinking about this, as well as the nostalgia critic's review of the Lorax.

Green eggs and ham (1960)

try things from other cultures. same things as with the Sneetches, except this was a bet.

the Lorax (1971)

I mean, sure we need to protect the environment, but also, don't go on the extreme end of firing everyone if your impact is too significant.

oh, the places you'll go! (1990)

conGRADUATEions! he's a children's author supposedly.

oh, and did i mention corporate? yeah, they tend to screw things up.

The author's comments:

and looking at this list, more books have been published under the pen name.


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