Uninvited Guests | Teen Ink

Uninvited Guests

August 1, 2018
By Anonymous

Imagine a truckload of people come to your house, uninvited and now have to stay with you. For each and every one of them, you have to pay for their healthcare, education, and other civil expenses. Do you have the resources to take care of all those people? Are you going to place their priorities over your family's? When talking about illegal immigration all these questions come to mind. Illegal immigration has plagued debates and puzzled politician’s minds since the founding of the United States. Unfortunately, citizens and politicians have been divided on how to address this calamity. Certain people believed that deporting all 11 million illegal immigrants is unrealistic and that it is unjust to separate mothers and fathers from their families (Barbour 23). Of course, not everybody agrees with this ideal. Some believe that illegal immigrants are just simply illegal immigrants and do not have the right to reside in the United States. The United States government should not allow immigrants who have come here illegally to become US citizens. It is due to these law breaking immigrants that the United States faces the most burdensome dilemmas it has ever faced. The economic burden inflicted upon by illegal immigrants exploits hardworking taxpayers and threatens the soundness of the US economy. The wave of illegal aliens has brutalized Americans in a wave of crime that jeopardizes the national security of the United States. Through illegal immigration, the United State’s citizenship is cheapened and demeaned. By deporting illegal immigrants, the United States will be on the path of recovery and be guaranteeing the safety of the nation’s sovereignty. Although it is true that the United States is a nation of immigrants, that does not mean however it is a home for illegal unauthorized immigrants.
Illegal immigrants should not be granted citizenship simply for the fact that their presence is inflicting a huge economic burden on America’s health program. With illegal immigrants arriving by the boatload, the demand for healthcare has risen significantly. To treat the immense amount of illegals in America, it has significantly strained the United State’s healthcare system. In 2013, the “cost of uncompensated care done to illegal immigrants was 4.3 billion dollars” (Barbour 36). The cost of illegal immigrant’s uncompensated care is draining state government funds and American tax dollars, forcing hospitals to take extreme measures to protect their businesses. Some hospitals are even reporting in that they are “filing bankruptcy due to the $300 million in unreimbursed care for illegal aliens” (Green 3). Due to illegal immigrant’s uncompensated care, hospitals are refusing to offer “certain services, closing down emergency rooms, increasing hospital rates, and cutting people from staff” (Green 4). American hospitals and the healthcare of the United State’s citizens are being jeopardized because of illegal immigrant’s presence. Hospitals are in financial ruins and are forced to be closed down because of people residing in America illegally. Due to this people are losing jobs and a place to get emergency care when they need it. Illegal immigrant’s presence in America is clearly setting the US’s healthcare system back and is starting to affect the lives of the American citizens. With hospitals closing down services, it closes off people from getting the care they need to become healthy. Thus illegal immigrants are risking the lives of Americans due to the burden they place on health care. What happens when an elderly woman cannot get the urgent care she needs because the hospital closed down the service? What happens if a man can not get service in time because the hospital does not have enough staff? All these problems are caused by illegal immigrants. It is because of them certain people have lost their jobs and cities have lost their hospitals. Legal citizens and US hospitals should not have to deal with the burden that is uncompensated care from illegal aliens. It should be now clear that illegal immigrants should not be granted citizenship due to the burden they place on America. The United States healthcare system needs to stop comprising the security of American hospitals to benefit illegal immigrants that do not belong.

Illegal immigrants do not just affect one sector of the economy, they are also placing destruction on schools and education programs. The surge of illegals that are entering American classrooms is hurting America’s education system. Due to US law, schools are required to provide education to illegal immigrant’s children despite their status of being unauthorized aliens. Thus schools are forced to take in an immense amount of new students without proper funds to do so. Additionally, the majority of the illegal aliens coming to school do not know English. Thus schools are forced to provide Limited English Proficiency (LEP) classes to every illegal alien. What this does is creates more costs for the schools and the federal government. LEP classes do not come cheap for schools. Schools have to spend money hiring teachers with LEP training and spend money to train teachers to be able to teach LEP classes (Barbour 49). Most schools can not fund this and provide illegals an education without harming legal citizen’s education. Due to this schools are taking humongous budget cuts to educate illegals. This is requiring schools to “lay off teachers, trim resources, increase class sizes, and cut music programs” (Barbour 48). These costs are hurting the quality of education done to students. The rising amount of students per classroom is harming the student’s abilities to learn. Teachers are now being swarmed with crazy large classrooms and their ability to provide a quality education that students need is being hurt. Additionally, extracurricular activities are beginning to be completely shut down. That includes programs in sports, music, and art. Despite all these cuts, state and federal government still feel the burden of educating illegals. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) concluded illegal immigrants create a “deficit spend on education and cost states over 7.6 billion dollars” (Barbour 38). That money being spent educating illegals should be being spent on legal citizen’s education. America has a responsibility of providing a quality education to its citizens. Yet, America is forcing schools that can not afford new textbooks, to educate a group of people that do not belong. Illegal immigrants are hampering the resources and quality that schools can provide to its students. It is wrong for legal American citizens to see that their own children’s education is being put in peril due to unauthorized visitors. The United States has an obligation to serve its legal citizens, not illegal residents. Student’s education should not be jeopardized for the sake of illegal immigrants.

The presence of illegal immigrants is exploiting and hurting American workers. Illegal immigrants are driving down workers wages and costing taxpayers billions of dollars. Illegal immigrants usually come to America with no money and no education which inclines them to work for any amount of money. Employers recognize that and now prefer to hire illegal immigrants rather than native Americans because illegals are willing to work for less. Thus Americans are forced to accept lower pay in order to compete with illegal immigrants. It has been researched that illegal immigration is responsible for about “40 percent of the wage depression in recent decades” (“ Federation for American Immigration Reform ” 2). Illegal immigrants are responsible for Americans undercutting themselves from a high wage. American workers should not have to take a pay cut to compete for jobs with illegals. Illegal immigrants do not belong here and their presence is unfair to American workers. Not only have illegal immigrants depressed the wages, but they have taken jobs that rightfully belong to Americans. In America, an estimated 16 million people are not working and categorized as unemployed (Confer 2). While 8 million of the 11 million illegal immigrants are employed, working, and earning money (Confer 2). That is 8 million Americans whose job was stolen from them. Those jobs rightfully belong to Americans and not illegals. By illegals taking those jobs, American workers are becoming unemployed and no longer have a steady source of revenue. Opponents of the other side might argue that illegals only taking jobs that Americans do not want, but that is not true. Americans would gladly take those low-skilled jobs if illegals had not depressed the wages to be so low that the job feels like slavery. There are even examples of this idea’s application. Crider Poultry Plant fired its illegal workers and as a result, the company raised its wages to hire low-skilled Americans (Barbour 32). This confirms the notion that Americans will work low-skilled jobs. Unfortunately, that is not where illegals stop harming Americans. Illegals consume many government services without paying taxes. Although some illegal immigrants do pay taxes, their expenses outweigh the taxes they pay. In a single household of illegal immigrants, it is estimated that it produces an “annual deficit of $14,387” ( Camarota 1). Unfortunately, the deficit caused by illegals is dumped upon the taxpayer’s shoulders in the form of increased taxes. It is completely unfair for taxpayers to deal with increased taxes caused by illegal immigrants. Why should taxpayers pay for people that do not belong? For the sake of hardworking Americans, the United States needs to deny illegal immigrants citizenship and deport them.

The illegal aliens coming into this country are brutalizing and endangering the lives of American citizens. The recent wave of illegals immigrants has turned to violence and crime to accomplish their goals. Although some illegals do come to America for honest reasons, reports reveal those illegal immigrants in the US account for “13.6 percent of all offenders sentenced for crimes committed in the US” (Barbour 58). That is 13.6 percent of crime that should not exist in America. Thousands and thousands of American citizens are being affected and hurt by these crimes. Why should America roll out the red carpet for illegals that are hurting Americans? Look at Grant Ronnebeck. Ronnebeck was shot in the head by an illegal immigrant robbing a store (Haugen 83). The potential Grant had to offer to the world was robbed due to an illegal residing in America. If America does allow citizenship for illegals, America is allowing millions of criminals to legally reside in America. Not only are illegal immigrant committing crimes, but they are also engaging themselves in gang crime. Notorious gangs such as the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) has been tormenting and destroying the livelihood of Americans for years. It is estimated that “60 to 90 percent of MS-13 members are illegal immigrants” and are frequently involved in horrific crimes (Barbour 60). This shows that major amounts of illegal immigrants are involved in crime against America. These illegals have no intention of providing a positive impact on society. They are only providing illegal action against America in unfathomable proportions. The MS-13 gang is a perfect example of that idea. That group of illegals is responsible for “gang rapes, murder, machete attacks, drug trafficking, and human smuggling” (Barbour 61). Are these the kind of people America should be granting citizenship to? These people are placing a heavy burden on legitimate residents and are threatening the national security of America. These people do not deserve to reside in the United States. The scum of other people’s countries have been entering America and endangering the lives of Americans. Hardworking Americans have come in the crosshairs of these gangs and their lives have been lost or destroyed because of it. Illegal aliens need to exit the United States otherwise, the security of America will continue to be threatened.

Illegal immigration taints and demeans the United States citizenship and invites more to illegals to come to America. First and foremost, immigrating to the US without proper authorization is against the law. If the United States just allows 11 million illegal immigrants to be citizens despite US law clearly stating that what they did was illegal, the US is setting a new tone to the world. The world will perceive the US as without a backbone, thus inviting more illegal immigrants to come. The past has proven this with the Reagan Administration. Former President Reagan tested the waters by granting legal status to illegals in hopes that it will prevent future illegal immigration (Haugen 110). Unfortunately, the exact opposite occurred. In 1986, the “number of illegal immigrants soared from 5 million to 11 million today” (Haugen 110). Reagan tried to prevent illegal immigration by granting illegals legal status, but at the end of the day Regan rewarded bad behavior and thus prompted more illegal immigration. If the United States makes that same mistake again, it will prompt even more illegal immigration. Furthermore, if America does grant citizenship to illegals, what is that saying to the people waiting to come to America legally? There are over 4.4 million people waiting to enter the United States and they have been waiting for years (Haugen 111). Those people will feel as the system for getting to America is broken and that the only way to get to America is to immigrate illegally. Additionally, those people waiting and going through extensive background checks is what makes the United State’s citizenship precious. If it was as simple as immigrating illegally to get an American citizenship, everyone would do it. The US selectively choosing people to immigrate to America is what differentiates the US’s citizenship from other countries. If illegal immigrants are granted citizenship, America is cheapening the precious of the US citizenship. By granting citizenship to illegals, the United States would be undermining it is intentions of preventing illegal immigration and degrading the status of American citizenship.

Illegal immigrants should not be granted the right to an American citizenship. It is the simple fact that illegal immigrants have broken the law and the burden they inflict on America is too great. Their presence is destroying healthcare systems around the country and forcing them to forgo services that citizens need. Children’s education has become undermined and the quality of education has plummeted. Hardworking taxpayers and workers have been cheated out of higher wages, jobs, and been forced to pay for the cost of taking care of illegals. Legitimate citizens live’s have been endangered and sometimes destroyed due to illegal alien criminals and gangs. Illegal immigration degrades the United States citizenship and invites more illegals to come to America. The burden that comes with granting illegals citizenship is too much for the United States to bear. Although it is a morally difficult decision, the right decision is to not grant citizenship to illegals due to the heavy baggage that comes with illegal aliens.

Works Cited
Barbour, Scott. Does Illegal Immigration Harm Society. California: Reference Point Press, 2010.

Camarota, Steven A. "Illegal Immigrants Create a Drain on the U.S. Government." Illegal

Immigration , edited by Debra A. Miller, Greenhaven Press, 2007. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Accessed 30 Mar. 2017. Originally published as "The High Cost of Cheap Labor. Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget," Center for Immigration Studies, 2004.

Confer, Bob. "Illegal Immigrants Take American Jobs." Illegal Immigration , edited by Noël Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Accessed 29 Mar. 2017. Originally published as "Unemployment and Illegal Immigration," New American , 19 July 2010.

Federation for American Immigration Reform. "Illegal Immigrants Harm America's Economy and Workers." Illegal Immigration , edited by William Dudley, Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Accessed 29 Mar. 2017.

Green, Alison, and Jack Martin. "Uncontrolled Immigration and the U.S. Health Care System." The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies , vol. 29, no. 2, 2004, pp. 225-241 , Research Library ,

Haugen, David, and Susan Musser. Should the U.S Close Its Borders. Michigan: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Print.

The author's comments:

This essay explains why it is crucial for President Trump to continue his fight against illegal immigrants as this shows why illegals are a parasite to the United States.

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