The Fear For The INF Treaty | Teen Ink

The Fear For The INF Treaty

October 22, 2018
By lordx4 BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
lordx4 BRONZE, Worcester, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

            President Donald Trump recently said in an interview that the United States is pulling out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. The INF Treaty eliminated all nuclear and conventional missiles, and launces with ranges from 500 kilometers to 5,500 (300 to 3,400 miles) from each country. President Trump suggested that Russia has violated the agreement and has been continuously for years and mocked previous President Barack Obama for not doing something about it.

            The treaty is crucial to the protection of the United States and its allies in Europe. It was an important treaty which was signed during the Cold War and it gave a strategic advantage to United States’ European allies for many years. Russia’s new missile program, the Novator 9M729 violated the 1987 treaty and the nation should be worried. The missile has a massive range, and it could be very dangerous in the years to come. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that he is “concerned about Russia’s lack of respect for its international commitments, including the INF Treaty” mainly since the United States’ and its presence in Europe do not have capabilities like the Russian Missile.

            Trump is sending John Bolton, national security adviser to Moscow for meetings with the Russians regarding the historic treaty. The problem with pulling out of the treaty is Congressional approval. There is no official Supreme Court ruling regarding the Presidential power to break a treaty without the approval of Congress, which essentially makes the Trump very powerful in these cases. Is a treaty that protects us from getting missile-d from the Russians needed? I think so. Americans should fear for their safety in this case, soldiers should get ready for war in this case, and all of us should be digging in our backyards to make a nuclear-grade bunker. It’s ridiculous how our President wants to act like a thug towards other countries, especially superpowers.

            The INF Treaty is very important for several reasons and America needs to decide its fate. The upcoming midterm elections should be life-changing for many, we need to check on our President and balance his powers. Maybe they need to refer back to the document that created it all.

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Student of Life, Christian, Soccer Referee, Football Player.

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