A Major Trump-er Tantrum | Teen Ink

A Major Trump-er Tantrum

January 10, 2019
By Anonymous

The government has been shut down for nineteen days, and possibly longer. 


Because someone is not getting their way. 

Nevermind that thousands of workers are losing their paychecks, not able to pay bills, who have nothing to support their families.

Someone wants to prove a point. 

That's not how it works, Mr. President. So you better get your act together, because we're not buying into it. You can use the Oval Office to spread whatever fear, hate, and propaganda you want, but it's not going to work on us. 

And earlier, when a few sensible congressmen rejected your wall idea, what did you do?

You stormed out of that meeting, throwing a tantrum bigger than a four year old. But hey, at least those four year olds are playing with toys and not the American people. 

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