Why Do Wealthy People Immigrate? | Teen Ink

Why Do Wealthy People Immigrate?

February 6, 2019
By allegragb BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
allegragb BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered, why people so rich leave everything behind and immigrate? Why do wealthy people immigrate? This a topic worth looking into because people have a stereotype that only unprivileged people emigrate. On the other hand, wealthy people immigrate for multiple reasons to have a better life. Three of the main reason are for religious or political freedom, better job opportunities, and opportunities for their children.

Moreover, Many people have left their country fleeing religious or political reasons. Although many of them do not want to leave they are forced to flee to and leave everything behind and it's pretty hard for them. In the past, there have been many times where this has happened and they seek asylum in countries where their beliefs are accepted. My mother herself experienced this, her family lived in Ecuador and was pretty wealthy, she had to flee the country because of political reasons and they had to start all over in Peru. “When a country begins to fall into economic and political difficulty, wealthy people are often the first to ship their money to safer havens abroad. The rich don’t always emigrate along with their money, but when they do, it is an even more telling sign of trouble.” said by the New York Times, this says how the rich are normally the first to flee something. To summarize, this matters because the rich are normally the ones who first flee religious or economic problems.  

Moving on, people immigrate for better jobs. The definition of “better jobs” is having a better job than you did before, it can be moneywise, timewise etc... Moreover, this is a very important factor of why wealthy people immigrate because humans naturally are always immigrating looking for something better, something that satisfies them. Adding on, Most of the time first world countries have better jobs than third world countries or developing countries can not provide, and someone who is looking for a better job normally looks into first world countries which have better jobs and better pay. “They don’t view their success as being related or dependent on a single country, but on their own business strategies. It’s amazing to me how many of the very wealthy are going totally mobile.” this quote was said by Heller K, this matters because the rich don't view success and they are always moving to find better things such as better jobs. To summarize this paragraph many people immigrate seeking to pursue a better job or lifestyle.

Adding on, many wealthy people are always looking for opportunities for their children; Whether it is a better school, a better environment or a better community. That is some of the reasons people immigrate for their children some of the most popular destinations for wealthy people looking for the factors I mentioned above are Australia and Canada this two were ranked rich people's most targeted places to immigrate to. “Human beings have always migrated. Otherwise, how can we explain the presence of people on different continents when we know that the human species originated in Africa?” this was said Reuben George Oliven author of the book “ Migration Of Rich Immigrants” this quote says how humans immigrate always for better opportunities for their children or other reasons. This matters because it connects to how parents look for better places for their children and they immigrate and have a better life where they can be happier and have new opportunities.

To conclude, the goal of this essay was to answer the question, Why do wealthy people immigrate? The reasons I used to answer the question were, religious or political flees, better jobs or opportunities for their children. In some years this problem will probably increase seeing the fact that environmental problems will increase and wealthy people will leave to pursue a better destination free of these problems. “For Millionaire Immigrants, a Global Welcome Mat,” said by the New York Times,  this quotes says a global welcome mat for wherever the rich wants to immigrate, this also says how the rich will keep immigrating more and more through time. This matters because of it something that will increase through the years, through time this issue will be more visible and more common.

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