The Deadliness of Guns | Teen Ink

The Deadliness of Guns

May 23, 2019
By Anonymous

Did you know that americans take advantage of having the right to bear a gun? Firstly, gun violence impacts people because you can lose someone you love and care for within one bullet. What we should do is speak up more often and use our voices.

Gun violence is a problem because sometimes innocent people are being injured or even killed by people with guns. In the year of 2019 there have been 24 homicides so far. I haven’t just noticed this but I also noticed that the rate of how it was in 2012 the homicide levels have been lowering from 135 to 24 homicides. This matters because people getting killed without seeing it coming at all if you think about it enough these homicides are because innocent people are getting assassinated. these lives are being taken from our arms because of these criminals That are ruthless, careless, and murderers.

What the problem is that people are getting killed, these people that are getting killed can be innocent. What causes this problem is that here in the United States we have the right to bare a gun. According to and the second amendment        

“ ...The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”  This is what’s causes all of theses issues. we are killing each other because of this right. It’s noticeable how families are suffering because of this right.  Between 2005 to 2019 there have been 1467 homicides in Oakland. This matters because people are taking advantage of this right and aren’t getting consequences for their actions.   

What causes the problem is that criminals can get guns easily the reason is because there is the dark web, the black market, etc. According to (Inside the Black Market for guns)  from agent mulham ” A quality pistol like a Glock might go for double or triple retail. Lower-quality guns, however, are often worth only $100 or $200 more than retail.” This  matters because people are getting guns at higher prices and yet people are still buying them because they have a mind that has there entire plan already.

This is a huge problem because it’s giving all these criminals access to weapons. Sometimes at the end of the day they don’t even it’s the ones that you can least expect.

a weapon in the wrong hands can be super dangerous. this is because even without knowing  they might do something like mass shootings or school shootings might happen sometimes. it can come from those that have a normal life, usually when a person that is quiet, lonely, sometimes it’s just in a term of revenge, the difference between a person that would pick up a gun is that usually they would have a tough time in life, but for those that wouldn’t pick up a gun they’re the ones that have a life that is going just fine .  Sometimes a huge part of it is when this person is going through abuse, depression, or even want to get revenge because something happened in there past.

A solution for this problem can be to speak up and use our voices because the more silence there is the more advantage will be taken by these people. If we speak up for what we believe in we can change the 2nd amendment, we need to change the right to be able to bear a gun . We can protest first to make people notice that this is a huge problem. After protesting we can vote this amendment out of the constitution.

Another solution for this problem would be to make a secret hideout for your gun if you have permission to have it. This is because the majority of gun owners don’t have there guns locked up and this can cause young children to commit accidental suicide or homicide, this is because children are too young to have a reasonable mind at that timing so without even noticing you’re not taking care of your family with a gun you are just putting them in danger.

Therefore, we should at least attempt to change this right we have of being able to bare a firearm. Also we can get law enforcements into this situation because we should try harder to take down the dark web or getting the criminals that are running the black markets. We should also be more careful where we place our guns because if a gun gets in the wrong hands it can cause innocent lives or just one life.

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