Gun Violence Isn’t the Way to Peace | Teen Ink

Gun Violence Isn’t the Way to Peace

May 23, 2019
By Anonymous

There was a school shooting at Oikos University, occurred April 2, 2012, 7 were shot dead.

We can reduce gun violence by making stronger gun laws because the U.S. has the most shootings, people use the gun‘s for the wrong reasons, and kids have easier access to guns.

Barbara Parker, Oakland City Attorney said,  “We experienced the same kind of tragedy in Oakland in 2012 when a former student shot and killed 7 people at Oikos University.” This matters because it gives a better understanding of my writing. Giving a better understanding about my writing will make my claim stronger

Problems that can cause gun violence are depression, abuse between parents, being bullied at school, mental issues, encouragement from video games and movies, and drugs.

Bruce Stoffmacher, Oakland police research and planning legislation manager, stated, “If OPD starts to see shorter time to crime data, specifically for certain types of firearms, then OPD would know that there might be some illegal gun sale activity impacting crime in Oakland.”  My evidence matters because it supports my=- claim and provides proof of gun violence.

Kids have easy access to guns. Michael D. Bell, M.D. said, “There were 629 children 0 -to- 11 years old and 2,353 12 -to-17-year olds shot or killed in 2014, and Oakland had more than its share.” This matters because it shows evidence of how the U.S has the most shootings.  Bonnie Berkowitz from Washington Post B.S. in Journalism, University of Kansas stated that, “1,153 killed. The people who were killed came from nearly every imaginable race, religion and socioeconomic background. Their ages range from the unborn to the elderly; 189 were children and teenagers. In addition, thousands of survivors were left with devastating injuries, shattered families and psychological scars.”


Solutions to Gun Violence

Vice Mayor Rebecca Kaplan said, “These plans will include launching a pilot program to immediately provide police response to notifications of gunshots.” This matters because it gives a solution to gun violence.  Another solution would be having community members help with gun violence. Mike McLively had said, “Sustained progress in Oakland would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of Community members who insisted the city take action to address serious violence.” This matters because it can tell you what the people can do to stop gun violence when everyone comes together.

Problems about Gun Violence

“Artist Antonio Ramos was some of the four people killed in a matter of days in separate incidents in Oakland,” stated Barbara Parker.

This matters because it shows how guns can be a really big problem everywhere.

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