Why Children Should Have Monitored Screen Time | Teen Ink

Why Children Should Have Monitored Screen Time

May 28, 2019
By jelisa_perez BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
jelisa_perez BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Studies have shown that cell phone screens, computer screens, and tv screens are unhealthy for all ages. Children are the most impacted because they are still developing and growing. Children should only use technology when monitored by an adult because they are very easily influenced by what they do online.

Children should be monitored when they use technology because they could access inappropriate websites or be doing something they should not be doing. For example, the New York Times addresses that “some experts said smartphones expose children to cyber bullies, child predators, and sexting.” Children could access inappropriate websites, or do whatever they desire online because their parents would not know they are doing . Even with age restricted content children can easily put false information online and still gain access to the content. Stacy Debroff Chief Executive of Influencentral states “parents are getting tired of handing their phones to their kids fearing of what they might go on or do on their phone.” Parents have concerns about what their child is doing online. If a parent monitors what their child does on their phone they would not need to be concerned about what they do online. Phones have a significant threat to the safety of children and their well being.

Children should also have their screen time monitored because using too much technology for a long time is very unhealthy. CNN makes a comment about screen time and how long people of a certain age should use technology. For example, they make a recommendation that “an hour of screen time for ages two to five years old a day” is the healthy amount of time for that age group. Children of that age group will have more screen time than the healthy amount because they are not being monitored. If children of that age group are getting more screen time there could be negative effects. Russell Viner RCPCH President explains “there are negative associations between screen time and poor mental health.”  Overuse of screens can lead to a poor mental health. Children will not notice these effects and continue to overuse their screens. If parents monitor the amount of screen time the child has than the negative impact on their mental can be avoided.Overtime using technology can really hurt a person's physical and mental health as a child.

Screen time is also affecting how much sleep that children are getting. Nicholas Bakalar wrote an article about a study that concluded “meeting requirements for both screen time and sleep was associated with a 5.1 percent increase in scores compared with those who met neither.” Getting enough sleep and a healthy amount of screen time has a connection to getting good grades. The quote shows how children who tend to obtain less sleep also tend to score lower on tests. One of the reasons children obtain less sleep is because what they do on their screens is keeping them up at night. Sarah Loughan a research fellow from University of Wollongong explains that some activities children engage in online keep them up at night. Anything children do on their phone at night while they are trying to get ready for bed “can engage the brain and lead to the release of hormones such as adrenaline.” When the brain releases these hormones the task of falling asleep becomes more difficult. Parents can make sure their child does not have screen time a couple hours before they go to bed to make sure their brains are not releasing these hormones.

Supporters of screen time argue that screen time is not directly affecting children in a negative way. Opponents feel that screen time can help children develop new skills. Brian Chen a New York Times author advises that “smartphones undoubtedly bring benefits. Children gain access to power apps, including educational tools.” An example of an educational tool is a website called ABCMouse. ABCMouse gets children ready for school so they are ahead of most other students when they go to school however, children are not likely to engage on schooling websites unless they are with a parent. Parents can help the children stay on task and keep their child from going on a different website. When children use technology by themselves they can easily become distracted and go to different webpages or engage in a different activity. Having a phone in the room alone can be considered a distraction. The child mind institute point out a study in which “undergraduates asked to leave their phones in another room did better on cognitive tests than those who were asked to silence their phones and leave them face down on their desk or in a bag.” People who have access to their phone are more likely to be distracted by the thought of their phone which will take their attention away from what they’re trying to accomplish. They are more likely to check their phone because they have access to it. If the phone is not in the room or in front of them they are less likely to be distracted by their phone and more likely to focus on completing the task.

In conclusion children should have monitored screen time because technology can have a negative impact on a child's brain. Children can access sites that they should not be on or participating in inappropriate activities. If children are not monitored they might have too much screen time which can worsen their physical and mental health. Screen time is also a substantial distraction for children and can be keeping them up at night. To avoid the negative effects that screen time can have on children, parents should become aware of what their children are engaging in online and make sure they monitor their child's screen time.

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