Bright Life to Dull Life | Teen Ink

Bright Life to Dull Life

November 20, 2019
By Sydtay26 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Sydtay26 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bright Life to Dull Life

Shockingly, only 1% of the earth's ocean is covered in coral reefs, but almost 19% of that 1% is dead. Our colorful corals are being bleached with death and our abundant aquatic life are also dying faster than we think.

 If we don’t stop our irresponsible and destructive ways, there won’t be any reefs left for our fish to thrive. The chemicals that we put on our bodies to protect us from the sun’s harmful rays have the opposite effect on the ecosystem in our oceans. 

As a way to fix the damage that we have caused there is a banishment of the sales and distribution of any sunscreens containing Oxybenzone and Octinoxate. These are the chemicals that protect our skin from harmful UV-rays. Although they protect us the effect they have on our coral reefs are extremely horrible. Oxybenzone is also very toxic to humans. 

Oxybenzone and Octinoxate poison the corals ability to protect itself from the sun's UV-rays which leads to the bleaching of the reefs. It also ruins the corals DNA which leads to reduced levels of spawning. With lower levels of spawning means fewer reefs appearing. 

Not only is Oxybenzone toxic to coral reefs, it is extremely toxic to humans. Our bodies absorb chemicals through our skin. “The EWG has rated oxybenzone an 8 on their toxicity rating scale, meaning it is one of the most toxic ingredients found in cosmetic products.”, something that toxic in the body will have severe side effects with long term use. 

In recent tests done the results did not come out good, “Oxybenzone has been increasingly linked to early puberty in girls, low sperm count and male infertility, and an increase in hormone-related cancers in men and women.” When the body absorbs substances it has a way of disposing of them. With Oxybenzone and Octinoxate only women can dispose of them. 

Men do not have a way of disposing of the chemicals which means they continue to accumulate forever. There is only one way for the female body to dispose of the chemicals, which is by having a child. A mass majority of the chemicals are passed down to the infant. 

With no way of ever disposing there is a much higher risk for the bodies systems. With the studies that have been done the most damage has been done to  “Endocrine Disruption, Hirschsprung’s Disease, Lowering Testosterone Levels, Increased Cancer Risk, Skin & Respiratory Tract Irritation [13], Serious, Eye Irritation, Organ Toxicity”. 

By banishing these sunscreens we can not only protect our environment but also protect our bodies.

Hawaii is the first state to take action in fixing the damage that has been done. According to scientists based in the tropical state, “Research shows that coral reefs in Hawaii are exposed to over 6,000 tons of sunscreen lotion every year.” One of the biggest draws to the beautiful islands is their diverse and abundant reefs. 

Over the past summer I went to Hawaii and snorkeled in a reef that I’ve seen my entire life, but I didn’t recognize it. A reef that was once full of color and diverse fish is now yellow and missing the biodiversity is used to have. 


“The findings are significant for coral reef protection because a loss of biodiversity, especially of fish that eat harmful algae, could make it harder for reefs to recover”. Fish are one of the main keys to fixing our reefs, they eat away at the harmful algae that sticks to them. When corals die the fish leave and virtually leave the corals helpless to predators. 

As of January 1, 2021 Hawaii state law will no longer allow the sales and distribution of sunscreens containing Oxybenzone and Octinoxate. They are taking the first step to fixing our world wide issue.

We are causing extreme amounts of harm to an entire ecosystem because we’re trying to protect ourselves. If we are not careful there is going to be no corals left, if there is something that can be done to help why not do it.  

Humans are dependent on the fish that come from corals, the plants that grow off of them, and the oxygen they provide for our waters. We need them to survive just as much as they need us to protect their survival. In order to solve the issue there has to be a first step taken. Banishing the cause of the harm is what needs to be done first.

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