I Don't Believe In God | Teen Ink

I Don't Believe In God

November 20, 2019
By Anonymous

I do not believe in god because “he” has not done anything to influence anything in my life he hasn’t done anything to help me.

I’ve been through hell and back through my whole life, I used to pray but god never answered I got the results myself without the help of some made up “all knowing being”.

I believe that god was made up by the government because they don't want to be blamed for people's problems such as money, for example, people always ask god “god why have you given me this life full of poverty” or “god why did you make me lose my job and because I lost my job and my wife left me and took the kids with her and it's all your fault.”

There is corruption behind the faces of people who claim to be God's messengers. (aka. The church). In the beginning the christain church rejected all forms of science that aren't theirs, if it weren't for those scientists going against the church we wouldnt know how the universe was created or how we aren't the center of the universe.  

The church didn't want to believe the earth revolves around the sun and without those people defying the church and god we wouldn't have modern science. 

The church doesn't really care about their “god” all they care about is the profit they get from the donations and the way the church makes money is by selling crosses.

The churches also run everything behind the scenes, for example in regular public schools if they are talking about the past they say B.C. which means before christ and not to complain about this but we always get 2 weeks off from school for christmas break which is a very christan holiday. 

But we don't get Halloween off which is funny because Halloween is naturally a pagan holiday which christains don't deem important enough. The religion of paganism was before all of this christian and god stuff was made up. 

God did not create the universe and we have the science to prove that. God is just a construct of society so people had something to believe in.

In this article it says if god is human orrentied, wouldn't you expect him to create a universe in which humans feature prominently?  I agree with this statement because if God loved humans so much why wouldn’t God just make a universe where humans could live on the moon or mars.

Some people may argue that God is perfect but if he was so perfect and made humans in his image, then why aren't we perfect? I am not perfect by any means.

Some people may also argue that God has a greater plan for us. If that’s true, why is there still poverty? Why kids grow up without parents? Why aren't we all millionaires? 

There are hard facts that prove that god doesn't exist.


I’m talking about the stereotypical god in christainity, I do not believe he exists because what has God done for me. 

God has done nothing to shelter me from all this harshness the world has brought upon me, I used to pray for my health and safety but god has given me neither I got both by myself and by my parents. 

In conclusion the idea of God shouldn't exist because the idea of him gives people false hope. All these people want to look up to something to have some kind of comfort but what happens when they’ve hit rock bottom and there is no god there to help them.

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