Why The Police Shouldn’t Be Terminated | Teen Ink

Why The Police Shouldn’t Be Terminated

January 21, 2021
By Anonymous

Police officers have risked their lives to make where we live a better place, and a safer place; Without police officers our world would be chaotic. 

People say that because some cops are corrupt, racist, and don’t treat all citizens the same doesn’t mean all are alike. Some cops use really excessive force, especially on people of color; but instead of getting rid of all police officers we should get rid of the few corrupted cops.

Law enforcement helps murders, and psychopaths be apprehended so that the harm they inflict on others can be stopped. Law enforcement doesn't just start and end with the cops' decision to lock someone up, and imprison them without the court of law and their own freedom of rights. When someone does something wrong that evolves them being arrested, it doesn't mean that now you have no rights anymore. That's why cops are required to say something on the lines of, “You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you,” giving you a right to a trial against the crime you have been committed for. 

Not all people have to agree with this side of the argument because some others would say that defunding the police would be a good idea. For example, according to CNBC.com activists believe that a lot less money should be given to the police, and more funds should be given to other causes. 

If law enforcement were to be defunded, or even abolished it could make the crime rate go up exponentially, because one, the police wouldn’t have enough money to protect citizens properly. Two, people would probably think now that the cops are gone, or almost out of money they can do/steal whatever they want because nobody can stop them.

 Think what would happen to us if that really were to occur in our world. It would almost be like we were going back to the dark ages.

 Even for the simplest of crimes like texting, drinking, and smoking while driving were made as laws, to protect people on the road; but those laws don’t mean much if there are no cops, or any other type of law enforcement around to enforce them all. With the easiest, simplest laws enforced it could save many lives. 

Say someone wanted to go driving while they were drunk and not if the correct mindset at the moment, they could get in an accident and kill six other people they crashed into; and now nobody would be around to hold the person accountable for the accident and the deaths for the six other people.

Without police officers our world would be chaotic, and as I said in one particular example I stated drunk drivers would not be stopped, and result in many deaths. This is only one of many crimes that police adress like stealing, assult, murder, etc. Would all be unstoppable if the police were compromised due to lack of funds, and or is non-existent.


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