“In this moment in history” | Teen Ink

“In this moment in history”

March 8, 2021
By Anonymous

As Martin Luther King Jr. once famously said, "We are not makers of history. We are made by history." In this moment in history, the world has faced several tragedies, but there have also been many events that have helped shape the world as we know it today. Some of the most important events that have occurred in the world today are the Coronavirus pandemic, the new game Among Us, and the Human Rights movements. Each of these events has helped shape the world one way or another. The Coronavirus pandemic, Among Us, and the Human Rights movements are essential in the “this moment in history” starter pack because they are three important events that had some of the biggest impacts of the year 2020, all three of these events were some of the biggest things talked about on social media and they all include multiple ages and ethnicities and genders involved in some way or another.

The Coronavirus pandemic swept the world with devastating effects and was one of the biggest catastrophes in 2020. The virus was first reported on December 31st, 2019 and it was declared a national emergency on January 30th, 2020. The coronavirus causes shortness of breath, fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, and many other symptoms. This illness swept the world with over 110 million cases and is increasing every day. The Pharmaceutical Journal reports that “As of 14 February 2021, there have been 4,038,078 confirmed cases of the virus in the UK and 117,166 of these have died (in all settings, within 28 days of the test)” ( Stewart, Connelly, and Robinson 1). Due to the spike in Covid-19 cases, parts of the world are going into lockdown. For example, England and Scotland went on a national lockdown on January 5th, 2021. The Coronavirus makes it very troublesome for people to live their everyday life because of the concern of contracting the virus. As a result of all the confirmed cases, the world is now going to take action and do more national lockdowns and take safety precautions. The Coronavirus is going to be something that people will remember for years to come, it will be known as one of the biggest events that happened in the 21st century. 

In 2020 the world was introduced to a new game called Among Us. This fun game was made by the company InnerSloth, it took a boost in popularity in 2020 because of its striking asymmetrical multiplayer and it’s easy to learn! All around the world, several people of all different ages are playing the game. Among Us caught attention in mid-September, the New York Times describes it as “By mid-September, Among Us caught on like wildfire. Suddenly major YouTube stars, TikTok influencers, and streamers were playing it. PewDiePie, James Charles, and Dr. Lupo have all played the game for millions” (Lorenz 1). Not only is this game popular with kids but it has many influencers playing it as well. Among Us has been featured on multiple apps like Youtube and Tiktok. This is what helped make the app so successful. Because of its popularity Among Us will go down in history as one of the most popular games in 2020. 

In the year 2020 one of the biggest topics brought up was Human Rights, which affected many people in the world. The topic of Human Rights took a boost after the murder of Geroge Floyd, a Black man who lost his life in Minneapolis in May of 2020. He took his lasts breath after he was pinned under the knee of a former police officer Derek Chauvin. The killing of George Floyd led to many protests against police brutality and systemic racism in many American cities. The Modern Civil Rights Movement is something that has changed the world today. Alan Jenkins says this about it “The modern civil rights movement focuses on expanding opportunity so that kind of thing doesn't happen again” (Jenkins 1). The Human Rights movement has motivated a lot of people and groups who have suffered from injustice. The impact of these movements has spread across the world, a result of this is people making a difference in the world and improving the opportunity of life. Now many people are trying to treat each other fairly and with respect. This is a topic that has had good and unfortunate effects around the world, but now it is an important part of history and will be remembered for decades on. 

These three topics are included in the “this moment in history” starter pack because of their effects on the world today, these events have helped shape the world and people will remember them in history. The year 2020 was not a good year for most people. Every year has its up and downs and its history to go along with it, including all of these important events. We can’t forget our world’s history no matter what occurs. The Coronavirus, Among Us, and the Human Rights movements are some of the most important events recently. I conclude that they should be included in the "in this moment in history" starter part. These events have changed the world we know now and will forever be part of our history. 

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