The vaccine | Teen Ink

The vaccine

March 11, 2021
By Anonymous

Over the past few months around 14.6% of the US has been vaccinated, But there are still stupid people that think the government is controlling them through the vaccine. Over the last few weeks my mom had been talking to my aunt about getting the vaccine to see what she thinks. I overheard the conversation between them and as my mom said “I'm going to get it i'd rather be safe….” my aunt proceeded to say “do you want to be tracked for the rest of your life? They are going to put a microchip inside of you and control your every move.” Some people are just being ignorant…… People really think because bill gates contributed to the vaccine that they are getting microchipped. I've heard these conspiracy theories about the vaccine, it seems like people are creating them because they are just too scared.

That's exactly the problem….Jenny Johnson, a public information officer for the utah department of health, agrees that these conspiracies are completely fake. “Rumors and disinformation like this are extremely dangerous. We know exactly what is included in the vaccines. Anyone can find that information on the FDA website as well. The vaccine is safe and effective. When talking about a vaccine that can help things become a little more normal, creating these conspiracy theories can be a major setback. People need to know what information is true when it comes to the vaccine, and these theories can affect someone's decision. Yes this vaccine was created relatively quickly, and yes it doesn't have as much testing as other vaccines. It is understandable that people will be scared. But, creating these false theories about the vaccine like the government will track you through it will not help ease the fear of the public, and won't help cover up that you're scared of the vaccine. 

If we are going to have a chance at having a normal summer or a normal rest of this year people need to know that they will be okay if they take the vaccine. People need to get the vaccine so they can gain immunity. There will never be any progress if people are always scared.

The only solution is to take the shot. Will you get sick for a day or two? Possibly depending on your body. But get over the fear and trust the science, not taking it and starting the false rumors are affecting everyone else. The longer these snowflakes are spreading these dumb rumors the longer it will take to get back to normal….. And that's not fair for everyone else because you are scared of a shot. 

         Let us fight to get our lives back. 

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This article has 3 comments.

florida_boy said...
on Mar. 24 2021 at 2:05 pm
florida_boy, Grant, Florida
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Favorite Quote:
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

@TheRealDream, exactly. It is our right to chose whether we want the vaccine or not. if someone wants to take it, fine! if someone doesn't want to take it, then don't take it! its not up to the government or, quite frankly, other people to tell you that you need to take it or not. and no, im not wearing a mask either :)

TheRealDream said...
on Mar. 23 2021 at 10:02 am
TheRealDream, Louisville, Kentucky
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I Don't oppose the vaccine but I'm Skeptical because it came out so quick. How does the COVID-19 virus (A virus that's been out 2 years) have an Antidote and A Disease like AIDS that has been around for 40, 50, 60, 70 Years not? We as American People don't know what is in that Vaccine and until then or until it is mandated maybe not even then I will not take that shot and I will not wear my mask in places for it's my health, and my right.

florida_boy said...
on Mar. 18 2021 at 4:29 pm
florida_boy, Grant, Florida
0 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

that was ignorant... and by the way, im not "scared of a shot", i just dont want aborted baby cells in my body, so dont call people stupid for doing their own research.