Feminism for Men | Teen Ink

Feminism for Men

April 7, 2021
By lottieredding BRONZE, Austin, Texas
lottieredding BRONZE, Austin, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Feminism for Men

Recently I received a heart-wrenching phone call from one of my best friends, he explained to me that his dad had decided to file a divorce with his mom and suddenly left.. My friend was in excruciating emotional pain and I was speechless. I had no idea how to make him feel better. As a good friend I was able to comfort him and express my sorrow, but since I have not experienced my parents going through a divorce, or anything of the sort, I wasn’t able to understand how he was feeling. Although I was able to be sympathetic, I wasn’t able to truly empathize with him. I felt helpless, like I was watching my best friend drown and I wasn’t able to throw him a lifejacket. 

Recently, I have been faced with the topic of feminism and whether or not men’s voices should be an authority on the topic. When this topic was brought up my mind immediately went to the trials my friend went through and how I wasn’t able to relate on a deeper level because I had zero experience with it. My viewpoint on this discussion is, if men have not faced the trials and tribulations of being a woman, then why should they be granted the right to be an authority on this subject?  Feminism is a women's issue, and has no place for men. 

Laura Cappelle, magazine writer, speaks on the book “I Hate Men.” written by Pauline Harmange. Cappelle shares how the book highlights the fact that without men, women wouldn’t 

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have come across the sexism they have received(Capelle PRO). Of course everyone is allowed to have their own opinions and voice them any way they want to, but I think if you haven’t endured 

the thing you are speaking on, you should be mindful and open-minded to the topic, instead of just piggybacking off what you heard your parents talk about late at night. 

Staughton Lynd, in his article, “Feminism for Men”, speaks up and expounds his thoughts about feminism. Unlike some men, Lynd shatters all stereotypes about men speaking up about feminism. Lynd says in his journal, “men have something very important to learn about the way women conduct their lives.” men have fallen short when speaking up about feminism and Lynd spells out clearly his respect for women and their rights (Staughton CON). Many women believe, if men can never experience the oppression women have then they should not be able to speak about it. But Cornish asks the question, “how do we reach men with the topic of feminism?” Instead of complaining, women should open men’s eyes by showing them feminism (Cornish CON). I think a lot of the time, it is easy for people to form opinions about topics they aren't educated on, whether it’s piggybacking off their parents or seeing one thing on social media, teenagers are quick to voice their thoughts even if they don’t have factual information. Kids make assumptions about certain topics so quickly, like lightning striking the earth. Why is it important for people to educate themselves and do their own research before they start spewing facts about topics that are extremely sensitive to some people? 

I have learned from experience that almost all teenagers grow up listening to their parents  or leaders in their life talk about politics, opinions, and stories, resulting in piggybacking. Completely forming an opinion for the teenager instead of them finding out on their own. Instead of only being sympathetic, do your research, know what you are arguing for or against, and 

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educate yourself with real facts so that we may be able to truly empathize with people who are faced with these trials. If men continue to take authoritative positions in feminism, females will feel defeated and unheard. Since the dawn of time men have held control over women. The issue of abortion represents this topic completely. Men trying to pass legislation against abortion is another example of the historic power struggle between men and women. Men have zero experience with pregnancy or being faced with the trials of becoming pregnant at a young age. Just like how men have no idea what it feels like to be the victim of sexism or not having as many opportunities because of your gender.

Feminism is a women’s issue, with no place for men. America is continuing to grow one day at a time and people are becoming more aware of the social issues of our world. Let’s all work on educating ourselves with current events and knowing our place when speaking out about controversial topics. Feminism should and always will be women fighting for equality, and men should not have a problem or disagree with this. There is no place for men in feminism.

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