Immigration | Teen Ink


May 18, 2021
By Anonymous

Immigration today is a very politically debated topic. Illegal immigration is more controversial than legal. In “How I Became A Legal Citizen”, gives prime examples of the controversy. “I had worked too hard since my own illegal Mexican border crossing 30 years ago, at the age of 8, to blow my cover now” said the narrator. The Statue of Liberty is one of the first things people see when entering this country legally. Compared to the Colossus of Rhodes’ strong limbs, the Statue Of Liberty holds out a torch to be a light in immigrants and refugees darkness. That was when people came legally to escape not being able to express their religion or beliefs freeley. In the world we live in today, we cannot assume anything anymore. By the illegal border crossings in Mexico, and the refugee crisis taking place in Europe, the process has to be sure not to let anyone into countries that could possibly wreak havoc or terrorise said countries citizens. The article “ How Do You Make A New Life For Yourself When You’re Consumed With The Pain Of Your Pass”, the narrator says “As a boy of 7, I ran barefoot and naked into the night and joined up with streams of other boys to escape death or slavery.” This quote to me sounds like the boys community was being invaded when slavery was a common and needed thing in places like the United States. Today, we go through the process of background checks galore on entering immigrants and debriefing along with a citizenship exam so many days after they enter the United States. Sometimes, that is not even secure enough. The heart of the immigrant issue for me, is terrorism. We have so many tragedies and casualties everyday because of people who are not supposed to be in this country or who have come illegally that I think it should be more strict. Not all crime is related to immigration but some is. I am totally against calling a person with a middle eastern or arabic background a terrorist. I know a person who is Jordanian and he is a very close family friend. He immigrated here legally and is now a super good guy. I am against the stereotyping of these races. But I am also against the idea of supporting illegal immigrants. In my own article “The Real Problem With Immigration”, one of the key points that stuck out to me is more than 10 million undocumented aliens come into the United States every year. That to me is an issue because the 10 million people who are undocumented, you don’t know their background, history, or what their name even is and they are in our country. Immigration is not an issue. But the way a lot of it is brought upon our nation is an issue. My great great grandma was an immigrant from germany during WWII. My grandma told me the story of how she came through New York, was given a background check, had to go through debriefing, and a citizenship test before she was a legal American. That is an example of immigration. I want everyone to find their light through their Statue of LIberty. The legal way. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this to bring awareness to the issue and controversy of immigration within todays society

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