August 19, 2021
By Debadrita_Dey BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
Debadrita_Dey BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
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"The Taliban, which refers to itself as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, is a Deobandi Islamist movement and military organization in Afghanistan, currently waging war within the country. Since 2016, the Taliban's leader has been Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada." 


The Talibans have taken control over Afghanistan along with its capital city of Kabul in a matter of a few weeks has jeopardized the harmony of the country as President Ashraf Ghani fled for Tajikistan. with his wife. It was seemingly an easy takeover of Kabul as they faced no resistance when they started to capture the city from all sides, BBC reported. The movement however came after they captured Jalalabad, the last major city in the north, again, without any resistance.  20 year of mission collapses in a day as the government's regime abruptly ends with the Talibans claiming that "the war is over". Clearly the Afghan armies proved to be of no match for the Talibans. Taliban took over the presidential palace, and said it plans to soon declare a new "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" shattering democracy and implanting a religious supremacy over the country. 

“We reiterate that the Islamic Emirate does not intend to take revenge on anyone, all those who have served in the military and civilian sectors in the Kabul administration are forgiven and safe, no one will be retaliated against,” the Talibans assured in a  statement.

But the people cited that their assurances cannot be taken for granted keeping in mind that the political leadership isn't fully controlled by the fighters on the ground. 

The quick capture of Afghanistan was made possible due to the advantages left by the US and NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a collective defense founded in 1949 is a group of 30 countries from Europe and North America that exists to protect the people and territory of its members.) forces working against Biden's August 31st deadline to end America's longest raging war and it is seen that Biden stands firm by his decision and aslo adds that there was no better time to do take this action.

This needs international interference to stop any kind of further problems related to global peace and politics but this cannot happen within a matter of a few days or weeks. The Biden administration and India have called their forces into action to evacuate and safeguard their diplomats, civilians, a core group of diplomats were hurriedly moved from the embassy to a compound at the International airport.

The Refugee Right groups have heavily criticized the Biden administration for not moving fast to relocate America's Afghan allies from a country that was always at the danger of facing an attack from the Talibans, the Afghan journalists working for the US networks also fear a backlash. Talibans captured Afghanistan 20 years after US forces forced them to retreat. Some foreign analysts agree that this was predictable since the Biden administration decided to retreat their troops from Afghanistan. Today, the strategic environment surrounding Afghanistan is very different from the 1990s and 2001. The Taliban are likely to take over with full recognition from major powers, including the US, China, Russia and the European Union. Although the chances of a civil war are limited. 

All those who worked towards a democratic Afghanistan for the last 20 years under the leadership of the United States are going to face a major setback and this includes not just the NATO allies of the US but also India. 

"A proud superpower has been reduced to hoping the Taliban will not interfere with our efforts to flee Afghanistan," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement. "Terrorists and major competitors like China are watching the embarrassment of a superpower laid low."

The speed of Taliban's control over Kabul has taken everyone by surprise though India had previously interpreted and are well equipped to face all contingencies. India's security stands threatened due to the Taliban' takeover of Afghanistan. India has found itself in a rather disadvantageous position with Afghanistan, this is the result India has to suffer for going in too close relations with the US and making some errors in its own policy judgments. 

Plans are also in focus to destroy or retrieve all the documents present in the Indian embassy in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of staff from the consulates in Herat, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif and Kandahar over the past year. Despite having a foreign policy setback and security concerns India will reportedly have to rework its arrangements with Afghanistan owing to the recent invasion, this is not going to be easy but they are left with no other option. 

The new economic and security architecture and strategy in Afghanistan is going to be different from what it has followed in these last 20 years. China, Russia, Pakistan and Iran who are the new influencers will be happy to see US influence drawing back and China and Pakistan will try to minimise Indian engagement. 

The Talibans have taken a moderate stance with their spokesperson telling the Associated Press that the terrorist group wants to form an 'open, inclusive Islamic government'. It also said that it would respect public property, provide a "safe" business environment, redeploy bureaucrats and military officers, and provide amnesty to anyone who helped the 'invaders'. 

The terrorist group further went on to deny any claims of having killed prisoners or  forced women from villages to marry Taliban members but its historical context of women oppression this statement however stands deniable to the people. 

Members of the Afghan Government called out Ghani in anger for him leaving the country and using India's official embassy account to call him a 'traitor'. 

Biden has said he was hemmed in by a now-tattered peace accord negotiated with the terrorist group by the Trump administration, which made the popular decision to bring US troops home from Afghanistan.

Trump's deal imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on US forces and "left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001," Biden said in a statement on Saturday.

"I think it's quite clear that the Taliban have won this war," Katherine Zimmerman, a fellow in foreign and defence policy at the American Enterprise Institute, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. "They took 20 years to do it and they have proven that their strategy of patience will outlast the US."

Recently, caught in a frenzy of fear the residents of the country are fleeing away causing a massive outrage in the Kabul airport. 5 people have been reported to be killed amidst the mayhem at the airport.

Previously, there were reports of people running to withdraw money from their banks and causing chaos at the visa office to fly away from the clutches of the Talibans who have also taken control of the Kabul airport which is the only passage out of the country. 

In a joint statement Sunday, the Pentagon (The Pentagon is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense. As a symbol of the U.S. military, the phrase The Pentagon is also often used as a metonym or synecdoche for the Department of Defense and its leadership.) and State Department said the US will expand its presence over the next 48 hours at Kabul's international airport to nearly 6,000 troops to evacuate thousands of American citizens, as well as locally employed staff and their families. While President Biden said it would have been impossible to leave Afghanistan "without chaos ensuing".

While some people who do not have the provision to flee are crippled inside their homes. 

The MEA said commercial operations from Kabul airport have been suspended today. "This has forced a pause in our repatriation efforts. We are awaiting the resumption of flights to restart the process," he said. "We will facilitate repatriation to India of those who wish to leave Afghanistan. There are also a number of Afghans who have been our partners in the promotion of our mutual developmental, educational and people to people endeavours. We will stand by them," the MEA spokesperson said. Thus, assuring India's full support to Afghan. 

The External Affairs Ministry on Monday said that the security situation in Kabul has deteriorated significantly in the last few days. "We have been issuing periodic advisories for the safety and security of Indian nationals, including calling for their immediate return to India. We had circulated emergency contact numbers and had also been extending assistance to community members. We are aware that there are still some Indian nationals in Afghanistan who wish to return and we are in touch with them," MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said. While China extends a rather friendly hand towards the Talibans. 

The Talibans have reportedly stopped imports and exports from India affecting the previous built relation with the country during its governmental regime after having threatened India not to interfere in Afghan related matters. 

According to recent sources an Afghan Air Force has been shot down by the Uzbekistan border. 

In a recent Facebook post the President of Afghanaistan said that he left the country so as to avoid any further conflict or chaos with the Talibans. 

Several people are killed amid firing by Taliban and stampede during rally in Asadabad for raising the national flag on Independence Day, thus flagging themselves as hypocrites of their religion.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also set out on a mission to evacuate Australians as well as some Afghans from Kabul amidst the fear of having to face adverse weather effects which will eventually delay flights. Australia has evacuated 26 people on one flight from Afghanistan, and Morrison said a further 76 were transported out of Kabul late on Thursday on a British plane. (Inputs from Reuters)

The Taliban, fighting with Afghanistan forces to take control of a large part of the war-torn country, has issued a statement ordering local religious leaders to give them a list of girls over 15 years of age and widows under 45, reports have said. According to reports, the Taliban has promised for them to be married to their fighters and taken to Pakistan's Waziristan, where they will be converted to Islam and reintegrated contradicting their own claim of not doing any such activites previously. While 3 people have been killed as Talibans face first protest from the Afghans. In spite of all these, they patiently wait for the peaceful transformation of power and authority of Afghanistan in their hands. 

 A senior member of the Taliban, Waheedullah Hashimi, told news agency Reuters that the group is still finalising how they will govern the country. As the group is planning governance like that of its earlier regime, the member explained that there will be no democratic system at all because it does not have any base in the country. "We will not discuss what type of political system should we apply in Afghanistan because it is clear. It is sharia law and that is it," Hashimi told Reuters. Democracy has stepped down, security has been crippled and crushed, and people are running haywire in the Kabul chaos. 

The author's comments:

Hello, I am Debadrita, an Indian high schooler, I have an avid interest in writing and reading about political matters around the world and international affairs. This is a research article about the huge instability of politics that has taken place lately in Afghanistan due to the sudden Taliban invasion. This has not only affected the Afghans but by and by this has challenged the UN, the peace-conflict policies and global polity and security. 

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