How The World Is Changing | Teen Ink

How The World Is Changing

March 10, 2022
By Anonymous

I'm going to talk about how soft people are nowadays. In my opinion, the people of this generation are not used to the hard work and dedication that is needed to be productive in a community. This doesn't mean that I think that the nation is a bunch of sissies, but it means that I think overall, it's a lot softer. Now I'm not 100 years old and wrinkly but if you take a look into the past by either listening to stories, reading a book, watching a movie, or just talking about it with someone older, you realize that teens and young adults are very different from the past. Now I am also not saying that it is easier for this generation, as the world changes, so do the things that kids grow up with being exposed to. But that should not change how someone has a strive to be better. It is a natural instinct that I think people are drifting away from nowadays. Why do I think this is? I mean frankly it is alot easier to get money from the government while you watch netflix and eat potato chips instead of getting a job. No one but yourself is stopping you from doing this so why not? The only thing in between you being productive with your life vs just living comfortably without hardships, is what you believe and your morals. Take what you want from what I say and ask yourself, what is stopping you from being better than yourself?

The author's comments:

I think that people should read this

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