children in prison are being tried as adults | Teen Ink

children in prison are being tried as adults

April 8, 2022
By RavenFiveES BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
RavenFiveES BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One big problem in the criminal justice system is that in some cases, children are being tried as adults. I think this should stop for multiple reasons, their families are getting billed enormous amounts of money, they are going through mental and physical changes and they could have a bad influence too.

States are making families with incarcerated children pay HUGE taxes. Teen vogue has an article on it. They say “the probation department will no longer accept payment from and cancel about $90-million worth of debt held by 52,000 juvenile offenders and their families” and “Court fines and fees cause overwhelming economic and emotional stress to families and undermine the rehabilitative goals of the juvenile justice system.” (teen vogue By Christina Silva). This is why we should stop. It is giving overwhelming economic and emotional stress to many people. 

Another reason is that these children are going through mental and physical changes because of puberty, and other development. Their mental changes are due to puberty they are getting an overflowing amount of hormonal chemicals, like testosterone and estrogen, to name a few. 

They could be in a bad part of a town when they grew up, if a child is raised in a bad atmosphere they could grow up to do bad things, like it is hardwired into their brain. If they are bullied they could hurt themselves or other people, like Eric Smith. Or if they grew up in an abusive environment they could be a bully. 

In all we should stop children being tried as adults. So they can get on with their lives where they left off, so we can stop charging families, also these kids are going through big changes, and they could be in a bad home and not know any better. Should kids be sentenced as adults? 

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