Abortion: Right or Wrong? | Teen Ink

Abortion: Right or Wrong?

May 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Teenage pregnancy can be a very difficult thing. The pain one could go through, the responsibility, and most of all the forever horrible realization that you cannot get rid of something permanent. Most of the time it is unplanned and it doesn’t end too well. For example, the family goes poor, becomes homeless, and starves. Though there are ways you can have this problem solved; abstinence, any contraceptive, and adoption. Another way that might be one of the most effective is abortion. There is a huge argument about abortion, “is it the right or the wrong thing to do?”.Should abortion be legal, what pain would not have abortion as an option cause, and would it have to be regulated?

There are so many reasons why abortion should be legal such as the one stated before; the parents not being fit for the job. ProCon, updated in 2019 shows many reasons for abortion being legal, one of them is irresponsible parents, a huge problem since they don’t care for their children properly. They are unfortunately very common in this day and age because parents either don’t want their children or they have just given up on life. Maybe the woman who is pregnant will die if she gives birth and the only way of living would be to get rid of the fetus. In this case, the woman who is pregnant could not be in the right shape to be pregnant. She could be too skinny, as that could affect the baby and damage her as well. Possibly the female who is pregnant was raped, and she may not want to take care of the thing that constantly reminds her of something terrible that happened to her. Finally, the parents could also just not want the child, which you could just put up for adoption. There are many adoption agencies where you can donate your child, some aren’t ready to go through the physical pain of giving birth and the psychological pain of giving up a child. Putting the child up for adoption may not hurt at first, but it definitely will eventually.

The arguments could be the psychological and physical damage one could feel afterward and abortion could be done incorrectly and not only kill the fetus but also the mother. According to “State facts about abortion,” a January 2022 fact sheet, “The bible says to not kill” though the bible doesn’t say anywhere that you can’t get rid of your child. It can be classified as murder, but is it? The fetus doesn’t have a heartbeat and won’t feel it when just being conceived if you were to abort it. “life begins at conception” is what a lot of people who are against abortion would say and that killing a fetus is just as bad as killing any other human being. Though it hasn’t been fully developed and does not have a heartbeat. 

Even though I want abortion to be legal there should still be some restrictions. In the article “Key facts about the abortion debate” written by Carrie Blazina on June 17, 2021, Females should not use abortion as a kind of contraception by purposely getting pregnant and killing the fetus for no absolute reason. The mother should not be past her first trimester, the fetus would be too developed and could be considered an actual living thing as well as it ending up wrong. 

There are several arguments against abortion being legal and several for it. The child could not be able to survive in the household, the pain one can go through, and the restrictions it should still have if it’s legalized. Teenagers shouldn't have to go through the mental or physical pain of having an unplanned child, and neither should any other woman. So is abortion right or wrong? That’s still being debated.

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