life on mars | Teen Ink

life on mars

May 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Some people say we should stick to finding out about our earth. But what about if we find somewhere new we could go. Scientists may have found a planet suitable enough for human life. The fourth planet from the sun, mars. But some issues we might run into are. A human has never been that far from earth, how are we going to get water, how are we going to get food? 

On April fourth 1970. Apollo 13 reached the farthest anyone has gone into space at around 250,000 miles away from earth. However it was an aborted mission because of oxygen loss. It was sent into space on a mission to land one the moon however that never happened. We have only been to the moon 6 times and some of the missions have never stepped foot on the moon. So what have we found on the moon 

According to Nasa in August of 2018 they have found sufficient evidence of water ice on the moon, and it was confirmed in October of 2020. Hidden in deep craters. The water molecules are extremely thin, so what does this mean exactly? Thin water molecules are extremely healthy for the human body. As they are the most pure form of water. Elon Musk wants to take us to the moon. He wants to send astronauts to the moon by 2025, and he wants us to go to mars by 2029. Mars would be a nine month mission just to get there. This mission will be the most dangerous space mission to ever exist, and we still do not have a date till we can leave. He wants to set up a colony on mars. This is a very dangerous and very unpredictable accomplishment. 

Mars has the biggest canyon to exist outside of our world and under it… is water.  But it is likely going to be too hard for us to access. So the question is how are we going to get the

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