Ukraine and Russia War | Teen Ink

Ukraine and Russia War

May 19, 2022
By mnadir02 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
mnadir02 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We need to keep on sending out more powerful missiles to Ukraine. We also need to send out US troops to Ukraine. The US has lots of resources and has the strongest army in the world. We need to help Ukraine get its country back and defeat Russia. 

We have to help Ukraine by sending missiles and supplies to Ukraine. We should send some supplies because Ukrainian people are suffering when they shouldn´t. Their homes are getting destroyed when the citizens aren't even doing anything. 

People are getting their homes destroyed and forced to leave. The Russians are killing the Ukrainian citizens. Ukraine is getting bombed, everything is breaking down, and many buildings have fallen. If society doesn't reach out to Ukraine it will be taken over.  If Russia keeps on kicking people out and making everyone leave they will get hold of the country and it will become Russia. We don't want that to happen because everyone deserves to have their own country to live in with freedom. We don't want Ukrainian people to be scared every day that they're going to die and lose everything. There are lots of parents who don't want their kids to grow up like this and remember this awful event.  

As we know, Russia has lots of power and resources. Ukraine is not even close to having the same amount of resources as Russia. But the US is stronger and has lots of resources. Many people say we should not help Ukraine because Russia will become mad and try to attack us.  Additionally, they are also saying Ukraine is not part of NATO. NATO is a group of countries that are allies and help each other. So they are saying that if we help Ukraine and send out troops to Ukraine it will make Russia mad. They don't want to make America worse and everyone has to be in a state of war. 

Us has the most powerful missiles and guns in the world. We are the strongest army in the world. Ukraine does not have many powerful missiles or resources. Since we have lots of those we send those to Ukraine so they could use them to defeat Russia and get their country back. The Ukrainians will appreciate it and the citizens will be the happiest to come back to their lives and house with peace. 

Keep on helping Ukraine by sending resources. And send out troops into Ukraine. 

Works Cited: Specia, Megan, and Cora Engelbrecht. “Ukraine Live Updates: Europe and NATO Weigh Tougher Steps to Punish Russia.” The New York Times, 6 Apr. 2022,

  “War in Ukraine: Lives and Livelihoods, Lost and Disrupted | McKinsey.”,

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I think it's a strong thing to talk about.

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