How Inflation is Affecting Our Lower and Middle Class | Teen Ink

How Inflation is Affecting Our Lower and Middle Class

May 24, 2022
By olivia12 BRONZE, Superior, Colorado
olivia12 BRONZE, Superior, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As prices increase across America, minimum wage remains the same causing citizens to suffer. Inflation is affecting everyone but especially our lower and middle classes. While the average intake of money in a household stays the same, object values increase. This is just not fair. Allowing American communities to fall without a fight would be injustice to all. Even just looking at the statistics of inflation is unsettling. Chrys Bowen, a woman from Helena, Montana says food prices have risen about 10% - 20% and gas prices have increased about 35%. 

By increasing the minimum wage, people won’t be hit by poverty. An analysis by the Congressional Budget Office directly states, “The two main sources of uncertainty about the changes in employment are uncertainty about wage growth under current law and uncertainty about the responsiveness of employment to a wage increase.” This refers to the minimum wage change in 2020 from 2009’s to $7.25. It increased to $12 but this still isn't sufficient. The response to the switch is affecting people’s point of view as well as their trust in the wage.

Lower and middle class families are suffering from inflation much more than our community’s upper class. Data from an article by Fortune quotes, “The lowest income households saw about a $2,000 jump, or about a 6.9% increase, while those earning over $150,000 paid about $5,800 more for the same purchases — 6.1% more.” Although the difference between 6.1 and 6.9 doesn’t seem vast, it can take a toll. Lowering a family's wealth by charging more money will harm the economy. It will impact how many taxes are being paid to the government. If people don’t have money for food, water, etc., they won’t be able to afford taxes. 

Imagine you're a child. One day your mom comes home and says “I’m leaving my job”. The rush of fear starts to spread through your body. As months go by with little money being brought in, you start to worry. What if you lose your home? Knowing they have a sufficient amount of money brings people comfort. A world full of no comfort is a world that no person wants to live in. 

If the minimum wage or average intake per month per household won’t increase, neither should the prices of everything around us. If no action is taken soon, more people will be in poverty than ever before. Our nation could witness another experience of the Great Depression. People in power should raise the minimum wage to a livable wage so that people can acquire essentials. Working towards a safer, more affordable life will bring America to heights unimaginable. 

Works Cited:

“Americans Making More than $60,000 a Year May Have Beaten Inflation, but the Poorest Are Much Worse Off.” Fortune,

Congressional Budget Office. $15 Option $12 Option $10 Option Current Law Federal Minimum Wage 25th Percentile of Workers’ Wages 10th Percentile of Workers’ Wages Projected Actual the Effects on Employment and Family Income of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage CONGRESS of the UNITED STATES CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE. 2019.

“Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Are Feeling the Pain of Inflation, Poll Says.” Marketplace, 27 Jan. 2022, Accessed 19 May 2022.

Leonhardt, Megan. “How Raising Minimum Wage to $15 per Hour Could Affect Workers and Small Businesses.” CNBC, 24 Feb. 2021,

The author's comments:

As a 7th grader from Superior, Colorado, my life doesn't have that much excitement. I have everything one would expect someone like me to have. Family. Friends. Hobbies. I spend most of my time focusing on my studies and perfecting my craft in dance. I hope one day to make my voice heard in the world and change at least one person's life. 

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