The Right to Choose | Teen Ink

The Right to Choose

May 25, 2022
By sarahhesford BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
sarahhesford BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Right to Choose

About half of pregnancies, coming up to 121 million around the world, are unwanted or unintended. This is a large factor with the recent news uncovering the state of Roe v. Wade. I have witnessed an uproar of emotion and anger from peers and women alike through social media, classroom discussions, and more. I, too, can agree that having to see a panel, predominantly of men, determine where the line is drawn on a woman’s right to health, privacy, and nondiscrimination is devastating. Abortion is a woman’s right and only women should have the right to choose whether or not to have one.

The fourteenth amendment reserves the right to privacy that protects the right to choose. However, with the recent uncovered votes to overturn Roe v. Wade, the single case keeping the right to choose intact, “26 states could quickly move to ban abortion,” according to Stronger restrictions will quickly limit the access to health clinics in these areas that are necessary for women’s health. I know many who justify abortion only in cases of rape or incest but those who feel this way need to realize that this only promotes the idea that a woman can only have a right to their own body when it has already been violated. 

However, I find that the biggest argument against abortion, being pro-life, is hypocritical. It is quite deceitful how most people who are pro-life turn a blind eye toward other events happening, around the world, that are detrimental to the pro-life movement. Possible consequences like criminalizing abortion and “imprison[ing] or execut[ing] women who access safe abortion care” are some of the few actions that are against the brand of the pro-life movement. While the abortion process is being dismantled, the actions of penalizing women for having an abortion, or even miscarrying, is incompatible with this idea. I have found that it is not about truly caring about a life, but rather it is used to maintain control of a woman’s decision and bodily autonomy. 

Banning abortion does not stop abortions but rather restricts access to safe ones, giving women more health risks. The rate of maternal morality will increase through the process of unsafe abortions. Aside from the death rate correlating to unsafe abortions, according to, “where death does not result from unsafe abortion, women may experience long-term disabilities.” Safe abortions are a women’s right to health and carrying out a full term pregnancy can be as harmful. Therefore, the decision is so important to be left up to the one going through a life changing experience.

The male perspective has heavily impacted where abortion rights are now currently all around the world. The lack of empathy is consistent through my witness and this drive, from men, to obtain control has been the common understanding by women. However, as someone, personally, who doesn’t think pregnancy is an option for myself, I still think of all the women in my life, and not, that should have the right to their own body and decisions. This mindset towards abortion is so important to maintain in order to ensure women’s health and most importantly, the choice that they deserve to have over their own body.

And no, nobody has to like abortion and it is even a difficult situation for someone to choose to have one. However, taking away the right for women to choose is far more damaging than this political standpoint on the subject. The consequences go further than political and religious beliefs and these opinions should not be repealing, or even persuading, a women’s right to their own body. Even if you strongly oppose abortion, there are ways to advocate for other procedures to lower pregnancy rates. You can recommend and advise others about birth control and sex education and other options rather than making a crucial decision on one’s body other than your own. 







Works Consulted

Nearly half of all pregnancies are unintended-a global crisis, says new UNFPA report [en/ar/ru] - world. ReliefWeb. (n.d.). Retrieved May 9, 2022, from 

Parenthood, P. (n.d.). Roe v. Wade at Risk: Nationwide legal abortion may be a thing of the past. Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Retrieved May 9, 2022, from 

Safe and legal abortion is a woman’s human right. (n.d.). Retrieved May 9, 2022, from 

The hypocrisy of the "pro-life" movement. NARAL Pro-Choice America. (2019, June 7). Retrieved May 9, 2022, from 

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