What The United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What The United States Flag Stands For

November 3, 2022
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We had a great history of our American flag where the original thirteen colonies hated British rule so they made the flag to oppose them. It helped oppose them and decided to change the flag to make it better to represent liberty, democracy, and freedom. Soldiers died in the war to protect us. World War II was so bloody that so many lives were sacrificed to protect everyone else. I wonder how I would feel if I was in the war.

The stripes represent the original colonies and the red represents the hardiness and valor. The stars represent the original 50 states. 

We pledge allegiance to the flag every morning at school to represent how many lives died in the war. Our world shaped itself and also we put flowers to represent those that fell in the war.

I wonder what it would look like if I traveled back in time and experienced the war in real time. I put flowers on the soldiers’ graves who gave their lives up.  Also how they had families that will never be able to see them again. But as a community, we can help them by praying to the flag each morning and mourning them every day

If we didn’t have these men in the war, we would be overtaken and our world wouldn't be safe and peaceful in the future, which would change how we lived. We will get ruled by other countries or the Communist party will rise and take us and control us.

I wish that we have a safer world. I pray to the flag for these fallen soldiers every day and for a better life to live in. The flag has a purpose: to honor the lives of the soldiers in the war.  




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