What the United States Flag Stands For | Teen Ink

What the United States Flag Stands For

November 3, 2022
By Kt_310 BRONZE, Franksville, Wisconsin
Kt_310 BRONZE, Franksville, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To protect this beloved country, its people, and the right of freedom, millions have died. It started with inexperienced, poorly supplied, and outnumbered patriots facing off against a well equipped and disciplined army. With the aid of strong morale and desire for liberty, the patriots were successful, but with that success came the sacrifice of thousands of men. 

Not only members of the military make sacrifices, but also their families. When a man leaves for deployment, families cry in fear for the man’s life. When they return dead, the wife receives a flag which had been laid over her husband's casket, soon to be placed in the home to represent the life that had been taken from her. 

Athletes, parents, and spectators gather for a game and, before it begins, they stand for our nation's national anthem to recognize, and show gratitude, that we are able to watch or play the game in peace. When standing with our hands over our hearts, we honor those who have made sacrifices, died, or suffered for our freedom. As the words “home of the brave” are sung in the anthem, a sense of pride is given to those who are able to call themselves American.

To me, the flag of the United States represents honor sacrifice. Without sacrifices of soldiers made hundreds of years ago and sacrifices of families with one less person to fill the home, the liberty of this country would be nonexistent. Because of those sacrifices, we honor those who have made it possible for us to live in a free and peaceful country. 

The author's comments:

This piece is for the FRA Americanism Essay

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