What the United States Flag Stands for | Teen Ink

What the United States Flag Stands for

November 4, 2022
By Anonymous

The flag means the soldier fighting to make the USA stay free and fight to keep everyone safe. Make sure the flag never touches the floor or burns or gets stepped on and make sure that they can keep happy family and friends happy by fighting off enemies. The stars on the flag mean all the states that the military is making sure never burn or get destroyed. The red stripes is for the fallen soldier that sacrificed their life fighting to see their loved ones protected and safe. The white stripe means the soldier that never gives up whenever it seems hard or the soldier completing by making the enemy surrender. 

The flag has always meant something to me in one way or another, one way makes me happy to be a part of the country and the other part making respect and appreciate the people who are fighting for everyone, safety, and I will always have respect for those who fight to keep that flag up in the air because they are not just fighting for their family and friends. The real reason why they are fighting is because they want to protect everyone in the country no matter what they have to face. They want to see that flag still there to show off the liberty, freedom, and justice it stands for.

  The flag also means to me is the bravery and unity that we all stand for and if this country ever needed help or we would be ready to fight for our freedom no matter what. I would always want to still wake up and see that flag glowing in all of its glory, and I would fight for this country no matter what because if I can see others safe and happy then I know that I am fighting for the right reason and I am saving lives by fighting for my country. I would never give up because I would know that if that flag is not up, then I am not done fighting.

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