Immigration Has Gotten Out of Hand, which is Why I Have No Job | Teen Ink

Immigration Has Gotten Out of Hand, which is Why I Have No Job

November 30, 2022
By lesliepzr4 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
lesliepzr4 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Here we go again; the left-liberal media is at it again. Every single year since the 2016 presidential election, the liberal press happens to find something to hate. This time, it isn’t about President Trump not paying the IRS or the January 6th accident.

It is an accident, you know. We just wanted to be heard. We never intended for it to get as bad as it did. But I did prepare. I bought a new rifle and brand-new bullets. I was on Reddit for days waiting for the signal to prepare for the “protest.” 

No, the liberals are now attacking us for trying to protect America's freedom. We want closed borders. We don’t want immigrants walking into our country and stealing our jobs. 

Immigrants are taking labor jobs. Although I would never work in the fields or risk my life by standing in the middle of a construction site, some true-born Americans would gladly take those jobs. 

I should have listened to my father in 2008 when he said that now that President Obama was in office, everything would change. Oh, and it sure did. Father always knows best. And his companion Sleepy Joe isn’t any better. 

In Arizona alone, there are over 30,000 illegal immigrants. Arizona’s senator Mark Kelly wants to bring more. His slogan is “Mark Kelly = Open borders.” Why would he want to get more immigrants to Arizona? Oh, I know why. 

According to liberals, immigrants are the backbone of our economy. It's not like they contribute over a billion dollars to the United States economy. Don’t get me started on how they don’t even pay taxes. 

They say they came to the United States for a better life. Some of them do achieve that, but others do not. Why take a chance? We should close the borders and make it harder to come here illegally. 

We’ll keep closing the borders even though it won’t fix the immigrant problem. We’ll put border patrol all over the United States. And keep wasting our money and resources trying to stop immigrants from immigrating to the United States. Why even try anymore? They'll find a way into the United States anyways. 

Now, as I sit in my parent's basement in my pajamas, eating a tub of ice cream, I wonder,  how am I supposed to get a job? If I apply for a job, I know an immigrant will probably get the job over me, even if there are 220,000 job openings in Arizona alone. 

The author's comments:

Writing this humor article was the most challenging essay I’ve ever written. It was hard because I didn’t consider myself funny. I couldn’t find many ways to make this topic less serious. But one of the hardest parts about writing this essay was putting myself into someone else shoes. I don’t know exactly how others think or feel, so I was making a broad assumption. 

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