What has come to us? | Teen Ink

What has come to us?

December 6, 2022
By Anonymous

Society. Society gives off a word; meaning people. People itself has control of the society they live in. As they refuse they don't. Asking themselves "Why is this our society?"... why? People make that society. People ask themselves that is the reason why it's like that. They don't even know themselves, to the point of having to ask that. As of now, I don't even know the topic of this writing. It can be discrimination, social issues, or current events. Doesn't really matter because people will decide what is right or wrong themselves these days. All I've been seeing is the feminism, masculinity, failed relationships, girls, and guys who are trying to get TikTok famous by making videos of themselves acting (POV). Coming from a teen's view, it's funny or cringes. Let me be straight up with whoever reads this, society sucks these days. I don't think we'll even last an apocalypse or zombie outbreak if it ever comes. Especially with these "Island Boys" and "Andrew Tate" stuffs. I don't know how I feel about the LGBTQ club. NO offense but these people correcting me to call them "they/them", is pretty stupid. I mean c'mon, they mean multiple people. Unless you got multiple inside you then yeah sure but other than that no. It doesn't work like that. What if I want to be called "yours", would you call me that? No right? So how does that even work into that? This topic of feminism and LGBTQ has come onto "politics" or "social issues", even as current events so you know it works. I honestly don't think guys who changed to girls should be in a girl's sport, because of their different body build. The same way goes for girls being guys. I'm not sorry to say this but males are stronger and have a different way their bodies are built. That's why it's labeled as males and females. Now it has other!!!! Can you believe that? When we were to do every survey it would ask about our genders. Now they have other!!!! It's crazy but you can't do anything right? Honestly though...what has come to us?

The author's comments:

I am a 16-year-old student that goes to Waimea High School. I am doing this for me to pass my AP Literature class. I wrote that piece because it's just something that I thought would be fit for teenink. I don't really care if people get upset about what I said because I'm listing my opinion. Maybe people should stop making things complicated.

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