Should I Still Wear a Mask? | Teen Ink

Should I Still Wear a Mask?

January 27, 2023
By Maxe_____ BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
Maxe_____ BRONZE, Palo Alto, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One year ago, the mandate for masks was lifted. Although no one could enforce the wearing of a face covering, many still wore it for how dangerous COVID was. But now as COVID-19 infections are downfalling, face coverings are slowly becoming less popular. But even though fewer people are getting COVID, that doesn’t mean that the virus is gone. With up to 14 million currently ill, it’s evident that COVID and the flu are teaming up against us. Our greatest tool against it is masking. So should you wear one? 

Here’s my experience with COVID this winter:

At school, I’ll daily spot several congested classmates coughing into their arms. Or just into the air. With a good percentage of those lacking a face covering. Furthermore, as we edge closer to the end of our first semester, I’ve noticed a notable increase in absences. Because of COVID, I’ve spotted multiple students hustling to catch up on final projects; being behind by two or more periods and rushing to turn in their assignments. Maybe masks would help with that. 

But the worst is yet to come. Most of these students received their illness through Thanksgiving break—a week-long rest from school. But our two-week break is just around the corner, so we’ll have to hope it doesn’t follow the trend.

But what about masks?

Now, with over 71% of the whole world fully vaccinated, it might feel unneeded to wear masks. However, because the immunity to COVID-19 wears off after 6-8 months, many people who have already caught the virus are now at risk again. But then again most of us now have the vaccine. So what's the real risk? What are the chances of getting COVID?

According to the New York Times, the number of new cases in Santa Clara county is 2,000 cases every week. In comparison, last year, in January 2022, there were roughly 8,000 new cases weekly. This shows that COVID is slowly fading, but there are still new cases of COVID weekly. 

Generally speaking, the argument about whether you should wear masks can go any side. I’m currently not wearing masks in public, and it comes with its own pros and cons. For example, my face gets easily irritated by masks, making it feel a lot more comfortable without a mask. However, I’m also at a higher risk of COVID than people who wear masks. 

Ultimately, the choice to wear a mask is up to you. The debate can go either way, but in the end, it’s your responsibility. I can ramble on and on but in the end, it's you who makes the decision. You get to pick the risk you take. Just pick responsibly.          

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