Poverty's Effects on Cabo Verde | Teen Ink

Poverty's Effects on Cabo Verde

February 3, 2023
By barbarafolgoa BRONZE, Tirana, Other
barbarafolgoa BRONZE, Tirana, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Inspired by the fear of being average

     I remember when I first went to Cabo Verde, I noticed a lot of poverty. There were a lot of signs, like the way the city was built, and the buildings were unfinished and unpainted. Of course, some of them were, but they were only for the wealthy people of the country. You didn’t need to have a lot of money to be considered wealthy, compared to Europe. One thing I noticed though was that even if this country was poor there weren’t people begging for money on the streets like there is in Portugal, which is a much richer country, for example. The people of Cabo Verde are a very united community. They might live in terrible conditions, in terms of health, education, sanitation... but they always help when they see someone struggling.  
     Another thing that makes this country not develop faster is the use of the money by the government. For example, the trash. The trash was also one of the first things I noticed in the streets. Every year the government makes every business, big or small, pay a certain amount of money for each product for the use of plastic. This money is supposed to pay for them to be able to recycle. But every year they waste this money on Christmas decorations for the city. So, until now they still don’t have a recycling system. All the trash goes in the same bin, and it ends up in the ocean or in this huge mountain full of trash to be burnt, which causes CO2 and is bad for global warming. 
     I think it’s important to know how to manage the money we receive. Cabo Verde is a poor country and how they receive their money is majorly through tourism. So, I think the little money they receive needs to be well managed so that they can profit from it. For example, if they used the money, they receive from every business for each product for the use of plastic they could build a recycling system that will probably improve sanity and health, because it will decrease air pollution and less people will get sick. 
     Animal control is another big problem in the country. There’s so many dogs and cats living in the streets, that are not castrated, don’t have any vaccines... This problem causes other problems like health, because every time one of these dogs that has a contagious sickness bites a human, that human gets sick, and the hospital is not big enough to treat that many people. Cabo Verde only has one Hospital in the ten islands. There’s an association that takes some of the animals that are in the streets and treats them.  They give them the vaccines and castrate them. But this association is not big enough to keep all these animals, so after they treat them, they must put them back in the streets. I did volunteer work in this association for a year, and I can confirm that the installations are not the best, but they do the best they can. I think the government should try to do something about this problem. For example, I played tennis for four years in this open space where there were five dogs living in it. One of these dogs was a female dog that very year got pregnant and gave birth to like ten puppies. But every year if the puppies didn't get adopted in a month maximum, they would always die of sickness or hunger.  
     Cabo Verde is the country I have my favorite memories and my best friends, so I would really like to see it developing in a good way, improving its problems. My ideas are worth reading because they are simple to execute and by doing them people’s daily lives would improve way more., mostly in the topic of health.

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