Our Country Needs To Change | Teen Ink

Our Country Needs To Change

March 25, 2023
By Gaby-Rysdam2028 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
Gaby-Rysdam2028 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
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Despite the fact that some things in our country are great there are many things that need to change because the border between the US and Mexico is the least secure it's ever been, the American people have lots of anxiety surrounding the threat China possess and people are taking advantage of the freedom that America has to offer.


         On January 24, 2023, San Diego sector border patrol agents seized 300 pounds of narcotics with an estimated value of $4 million dollars. That is just a drop in the bucket for what's coming through every day. According to the MPI (Migration Policy Institute), we have over 11,047,000 undocumented immigrants in the US, and out of that 11,047,000, 48% percent of them are from Mexico.  It is not fair that these people get to cross illegally, then we the American people have to pay for them. Those tax dollars could be going to so many different places, like making schools better and safer by having all schools have a police officer and raising teacher salaries, and also dealing with America's growing homeless crisis. Well at least when they get here they pay taxes, Oh wait they don't.

So how is it fair that they get to live here, but don't have to pay taxes like the rest of us? They get to live here. whilst the hard-working men and women of America fit the bill. 

     On January 28, 2023, China sent a  balloon over the United States that flew over many of our government cites.  China wanted to see what we would do, this is a tactic used in the past by other countries before they go to war. Then there was another aircraft that entered US airspace that caused the air force to scramble their jets. When they have to scramble their jets it means that whatever it is, it’s armed. People do not have much information about this and there is a lot of speculation which is creating a substantial amount of stress and fear for the American people and we need to be told the truth. People like to know what is going on around them and when they don't it stresses people out even more because they think about the what if’s.

    Our country has changed so much in the past couple of years and not for the better. There is so much division in our country right now. In years past, regardless of our  political affiliation, we were still united by our love for our great country.  We live in a great country and I feel people take advantage of that. People exploit the resources that are there to help people who really need them like the elderly and disabled. There used to be a sort of pride that came with having a job and the reward of working hard for what you had but now there are not many people who are like that. The fact is the American dream is dying; the dream of having a stable job to provide for the people you love. Not many people take pride in what they do anymore and people expect to be handed things. That is also what makes people so entitled, they believe they deserve to be given things like money and opportunities when in actuality no one deserves anything unless they work for it. 

      There is so much good in this country but certainly, there are things that could be so much better. The border is not as secure as it should be and the number of drugs and dangerous people coming into this country shows that.  We need to be told the truth about what is going on with China. It is creating a lot of stress among the American people. Many of us feel that things in our country need to change but we have different opinions on how to change them. But I believe that we should have the common goal of making our country safer, happier, and united. 

The author's comments:

   There is so much wrong with our country. There are many things that need to change, and that's why I want to be a politician to make a differents and make our country better. I want to make our country much safer than it is now. We all need to step up and make our voices heard we are the future of this country so we need to be involved in changing it.       

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