Pressure | Teen Ink


January 1, 2024
By yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A world that one never wanted  to live in, but was forced into without consent

A life that one never wanted to touch, but shamed into health

Nothing is fully free

Nothing is fully fair

Burnout becomes the norm because it is seen as the only way to success. And if you’re not almost dying by the time you think you're done you haven’t worked hard enough. That is the motto in life. That nothing is its best unless others think highly of you.

Life and morals are a paradox because everything depends on the people that surround you. One can never be fully free in life. Brain chemistry becomes volatile, but that is seen as normal because everyone around you has bad mental health, and either refuses to acknowledge it or has the idea that they are fine because it was taught to them to push themselves to the limits or they are not doing their best

I could do my best and I’ll feel drained after, maybe I’ll be proud and too tired to celebrate, but that doesn’t matter because the score is all that counts. Morals aren’t real.

A little-known secret that is known to all, but purposely forgotten for the benefit of success in young people. There is an internal understanding that if a child doesn't succeed the parents are at fault. But no one discusses the life that the kid would have lived. No one cares if the kid enjoys their job. The economy or society doesn’t think about what happens when the kid becomes successful and has no one to brag to because after they left home they never came back because of the stress that their family caused them. This is not a secret but a fact that others do not care about.

It’s humorous that there is nothing that can ever change the way a society functions. While that society claims to solve its problems.

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