Pen vs. the Sword | Teen Ink

Pen vs. the Sword

May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Pen vs. the Sword?
Power over others, it’s what humans desire. It is in our nature to gain as much power as we can. We like to show superiority towards others to show dominance. Normally it leads to violence or verbal conflict. Most people have been in a situation me included when I had to prevent a fight from happening. We have to make a choice whether they should try to talk their way out of a situation or resort to violence. I believe that words are stronger than actions. I don’t like to fight; I think it is the absolute last resort to go to because fighting gets nothing done in a positive way.
When I was younger I must have done something to get on a kids bad side because he did not like me at all. He was one of those kids just trying to pick a fight with anyone, but I’m guessing that since I was bigger than most kids my age, he thought I would be a good person to fight. When he finally challenged me to a fight, I was able to convince him that fighting wasn’t a good idea by telling him that no good would come out of the fight. We didn’t have any further problems after that. Words are stronger than actions.
Some people disagree with me though; they think that talking doesn’t do any good and that they just need to take action because it’s faster, but actions can sometimes create more problems than they create. The thing I tell them is that actions are not stronger than words. Words have higher chances for a positive outcome. When you resort to actions without thinking, they can get you into a lot of trouble with others.
If words are used correctly on someone, they can end up being the strongest action. When you look at the saying the pen is mightier than the sword, the pen can end up controlling the sword. For example, during the Cuban Missile Crisis our government was trying to decide whether to attack the Soviets and the Cubans because Soviet Russia was trying to give Cuba nuclear missiles that could reach Washington DC or if they could find any other ways to deal with the situation. We decided to reason with the Soviets, and they took the missiles back. Because we just tried to reason with the Soviets we were able to avoid total nuclear war and millions of deaths.

Actions can create more problems than they solve. When actions are taken, they can end up making someone else very mad, they can blow up in your face, or they could do both. A good example is the Bay of Pigs invasion. America wanted Fidel Castro out of power in Cuba so America sent a small force of C.I.A operatives to forcefully remove him from office. Since there was no planning to the operation, the operatives were captured and held for ransom. The operation was a total failure that made America look foolish followed by now being enemies with Cuba. You can also relate the Pickett’s charge during the American Civil War. The Confederate army was struggling to break the union lines so General Pickett ordered a charge at the weakest part of the union line hoping to get lucky. The farthest they got was ten feet over the stone wall.

The strongest thing words can do is influence others. Words have the power to make anything go your way. For example during the time of world war two Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany at the time, was great with words. He was so good with words that he was able to take control of the citizens of Germany and turn them into the way he wants them to be, blond hair, blue eyes, and tall. Hitler was also able to convince the German citizens that an extermination of a religion and its followers was the best thing for Germany and its economy. Soon after Concentration camps were built for the mass killings of the followers of the Jewish religion. It lasted for over four years, and millions of Jewish followers were murdered in cold blood.
Power over others, it’s what humans desire. It is in our nature to gain as much power as we can. We like to show superiority towards others. Normally it leads to violence or verbal conflict. Most people have been in a situation me included where they had to make a choice whether they should try to talk their way out of a situation or resort to violence. I believe that words are stronger than actions. The pen is mightier than the sword. It has been proved many times throughout history for both good and bad times. The pen is just simply stronger than the sword.

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