Should the government have a larger role to help people in poverty? | Teen Ink

Should the government have a larger role to help people in poverty?

December 11, 2013
By Erika Galstad GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Erika Galstad GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

American Problems
Should the government have a larger role to help people in poverty?

The government should not have an important role in people who are living in poverty because Charities should be responsible for people who aren’t capable to live on their own, not the government. The government’s role is to ensure American Citizens’ rights, not supply them with money to spend on the result of their actions. In actuality, the government would be taking taxes that we pay, but the government should only take money in order to provide needed services-- otherwise we should leave it to every person’s decisions how they would like to spend their money. The government financial aid is also harming people’s ability to return to work if unemployed. In the article, Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, it is stated; “Once labeled as one who can't be self sufficient, one’s psychological belief of low self worth is reinforced by the government paying them to stay at home and out of the workforce”. This is simply stating that even if one is unemployed, the government will pay for that person’s expenses.

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