Our Generation | Teen Ink

Our Generation

December 18, 2013
By Kala Flowers BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Kala Flowers BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I just ask myself what is going on with the young people in the world. Living in Wilmington Delaware I have seen a lot of things .I have seen people drench with tears because they have lost a friend, family member, or even a lover. Every month there is about three shootings some people are lucky enough to get missed but some get hit and survival but some get hit and die. Now days the good die young. The bad be free. Young ladies bring children in the world that she is not ready for.

We have a lot of clueless young minds running. Our generation is out of control. While sitting talking to my mom one day I asked her how was your generation back in the day. My mom said, “It was nothing like y’all young kids generation. Back then we could let our children play outside and not be worried about a shooting might happen. We didn’t have children until we knew that we were ready and thought that it was the right time to have a child. There was no such thing as in talking back to your parents, and also not going to school cause you didn’t feel like it. Y’all generation is destroying the world.

When I was in health class we had a visitor from the Arc. She came to tell us information about sex, diseases, and other things. She told us that Delaware is number one in the USA that has the most teenagers with chlamydia. Also she told us that Delaware is number five with the most teenage pregnancy. That is just ridiculous. Teens need to protect there themselves more often.

Now day’s kids just want love from others. Weather it is from a guy or a girl, or even a group of people for an example gangs. Teens look for love in all the wrong places. They try to get in where they fit in. Young men starts hanging in the streets, just to feel like they belong. They also sit in class in school just to act a fool so they could get attention. They hang out with the wrong people and eventually get so caught up and drop out of school. Young ladies today also make poor decisions. They will have sex with a guy just because he filled her head with a whole bunch of nothing. But when she ends up pregnant the guy doesn’t take full responsibility and she here in this world to raise this child all on her own. Life is harder on her now and she starts to miss multiply days of school.

The world we live in today is tough. It’s really hard being a teen because it’s just so much pressure in the world but I’m making it day by day. Young people its time to get everything together.

The author's comments:
This is how I feel about my generation

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