Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

February 26, 2014
By Anonymous

More gun control won’t reduce mass shootings, criminals don’t follow the law and even if they couldn't find guns there’s still knifes and shivs out there. Less gun control still won’t stop crime but it gives the victim a chance of survival. Gun control won’t work, it’s proven in states that relax on gun control that there is less crime than the states with more strict gun laws, and guns are part of bagging game so we can put food on the table.

The reason why gun control doesn’t work is because criminals and thugs ignore laws. You don’t see a robber say “oh dang it I can’t rob this bank because it’s illegal.” It’s the same with guns they will always find a way to get their hands on a gun. With less gun control, criminals will think twice about mugging someone.

It is proven that the states with strict gun control does not stop shootings. Everyone else follows the rules in a theatre except for the shooter and what do you have? A bunch of dead citizens that were defenseless. In states that relax on gun control, shooters think about the possibility that someone just might have gun to defend themselves. Thugs prefer unarmed victims.

Guns also put food on the table. Without guns we couldn’t bag game as easily and it would take more skill to get food to sell. Without guns we would be having low stock of meat like vinassan, beef, turkey, and a bunch more. Meat will start getting rare.

Gun control will never work, so take up arms in a state that relaxes on gun control. Without guns it’ll be so much harder to put meat on the table. Criminals won’t follow gun laws.

The author's comments:
I hunt every year with a .44 Winchester rifle.

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