Same Sex Marriage | Teen Ink

Same Sex Marriage

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

How can the gay not be able to love one another, just like everyone else? The issue of gay marriage is complicated because some people do not accept their unique way of love and life, but the point is that we are all equal and love is love. Legalizing gay marriage will not harm or disrupt the institution of marriage. Same sex marriage should be legal just like heterosexual marriage.

Same sex marriage should be legal just like heterosexual marriage. Gays want the same respect everyone else does, they want to make a lifetime commitment to the person they love. It is possible for people of the same sex to love eachother. Same sex marriage is legal in 37 states, including Massachusetts, and illegal in 13 states. If same sex marriage was legal in all the states it would stop a big part of teen/adult suicide and discrimination. If fraud marriage is known and not as serious, then why not let same sex couples marry. Its only right. Marriage is for those who love each other, and gays are capable of loving those who are equal to them, just like everyone else. Same sex marriage should be legalized just like heterosexual marriage. If same sex marriage couples marry divorce rates would decrease fairly quickly.


It has been proven in statistics, states with with same sex marriage legal have lower divorce rates than those that don't. In Massachusetts the divorce rate has declined 21% during 2003-2008 when gay marriage was legalized. Alaska banned gay marriage increasing divorce rates 17.2% in 2003-2008. Gay marriage is actually good for the economy, the more divorce rates decline the less money people have to spend and the more they'd save. The rate of divorces is 2.5 per 1,000 people increasing the rates immensely, causing the economy to go down. Same sex marriage will improve the economy causing it rise.

Same sex marriage should be legal just like heterosexual marriage. Gay couples should also be allowed to have both names on their child's birth certificate, just like any ordinary couple. There shouldn't be an argument on who is the father nor mother of the child. Marriage shouldn't have gender roles. According to the University of Melbourne in Australia, children of same sex couples are fare better when it comes to physical health and social well being. Gay couples want to be committed and have a family. Also, children from gay families scored 6% higher on general health and family cohesion. Homosexual families don't label each other like heterosexual families.
Gay marriage shouldn't be legal, it not right. Its not acceptable in a church and its not in the Bible. Those whom are gay, will not go to heaven nor be accepted by anyone. Marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman only, not two men or two women.

The bible does not directly talk about same sex/gay marriage, it talks about homosexuality is immoral and an unnatural sin, but everyone sins and the Lord forgives us for our sins. Leviticus 18:22 says that homosexual sex is an abomination , a detestable sin. Despite, that gay marriage is indecent, a few of those who are religious and non-religious support the gay.

Even though religion is against gay marriage we ourselves make our own decisions. We, make up our paths as we go, and as we grow older we do what makes us happy and love those who value us. Homosexual marriage may not be okay in your eyes but in some it is. Same sex marriage should be legal just like heterosexual marriage, we are all equal. Marriage is for those who love each other and gay couples love each other just like any other ordinary couple.

Same sex marriage should be legal just like heterosexual marriage. Marriage is for those who love each other, two men or two women can love one another just like heterosexual couples. In states that gay marriage is allowed have the lowest divorce rates than other, including Massachusetts which has a declined divorce rate of 21%. Also, homosexual couples are just as good parents as heterosexual couples and studies from the University of Melbourne in Australia say that children from same sex families are fare better when it comes to physical health and social being. And scoring a 6% higher on general health and family cohesion. I want people to realize that love has no label, to stop judging those who are different and unique in their own. And to accept them because we are all equal.

Works Cited

Aquarius, Thomas. "Is Homosexuality a Sin?" N.p., 2015. Web. 21 May 2015. N.p., 2015. Web.
"Is There a 'gay' Gene ?" ProConorg Headlines., Apr.-May 2013. Web. 21 May 2015.

Scout Pride. N.p., 2001. Web. 2014.

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