Public School vs. Homeschool | Teen Ink

Public School vs. Homeschool

January 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Homeschooling started back in the 1970s and has grown to include thousands of students, hundreds of books written, and dozens of curriculum choses. Many parents, who are thinking of joining the movement, are asking important questions. Doesn’t homeschooling get rid of the structure of public schools? What educational benefits does it include? And probably the most important, for Christians at least, what does God have to say about it?
The main complaint against homeschooling is the lack of structure. This, however, is actually a blessing to many students. In the absence of structure, students have to regulate themselves, and, if done right, parents can use this as a tool to teach their child how to pace and drive themselves. Another benefit is the ability to schedule school around activities instead of the other way around.

After looking at the “worst” problem with homeschooling, let’s look at one of the best educational benefits: flexibility. For example, if a student is struggling with math, he focuses on it for an extended period of time, or he could delve int more info on a particular topic at hand. In a public school he would have to just move on to the next subject even if he hadn’t learned the principle. In the same way, a student who excels in a subject  can only move as fast as the average student, but if that child is homeschooled,  he can  fly through it as fast as he can.

All this being said, Christian parents have a much higher reason to homeschool.   The Bible.   In Deuteronomy 6:7 God says, “You shall teach them diligently to your children.” Can parents really say they are following this command and send their young impressionable children to a school where God is not honored (he is even mocked sometimes) and have him sit under a teacher who may have a completely different worldview? I think not.
To summarize, homeschooling allows enormous flexibility whether you are good or bad at a subject, teaches the important skills of self-discipline and drive, but most importantly it is what God commands. Who doesn’t what to please God?

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