The Put That Got Away: Mother Russia's Forced Adoption of Neighboring Lands | Teen Ink

The Put That Got Away: Mother Russia's Forced Adoption of Neighboring Lands

April 8, 2016
By PolishPrince BRONZE, Burbank, Illinois
PolishPrince BRONZE, Burbank, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is easy to steal candy from a baby, but it doesn’t mean the person should do it. Stealing candy from a baby who can’t even fight back is despicable and morally wrong. Vladimir Putin and Russia started taking land from Ukraine in Crimea in 2014. The U.S. then responded by putting sanctions on Russian and Crimean businessmen, which prevented them from traveling to the U.S. and Europe. Putin is ruining both countries in a few ways, similar to taking candy from a baby. What has happened in Ukraine so far? Putin is ruining himself by attacking Ukraine. Countries are starting to put sanctions on Russia all because Putin can’t keep his army in Russia. If Putin backed off, Russia’s economy and it’s people would benefit greatly. The sanctions(a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule) would be taken off, and the people of both countries could be comrades again, such as when they were together in the Soviet Era. The threat of war would be minimized. Putin must stop before he ruins the economies of two countries.

Counter Argument
          Putin says that what he is doing is the best for Russia. He denies that he has any military in Ukraine. Sergey Lavrov(Russia’s foreign minister) also claimed that Ukraine is the reason that they are fighting. According to Sergey, Ukraine attacked Russia first in 2014 (Al Jazeera; August 17, 2015).Russia is not involved with Ukraine in any way after Ukraine split off on August 24, 1991. Putin wants peace between both countries. Putin said that the people are too similar to be fighting. All he wants is the claims against him and his country taken away from for he didn’t do anything to provoke the situation in Ukraine.

          Putin needs to stop before he destroys both Ukraines and his economy. “The United States of America and the European Union hold President Vladimir Putin responsible for the situation for the situation in Ukraine” (Editorial Board: November 20, 2014). Putin has indirectly invaded Ukraine by making Russian Supporters rebel in Ukraine. Putin denies any involvement in Ukraine, but how can that be true when Russian armored vehicles are entering Eastern Ukraine? Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany assailed Vladimir Putin for reviving a Cold War atmosphere 25 years after the Berlin Wall fell for his involvement in creating the situation in Ukraine(Editorial Board: November 20, 2014). Germany was on relatively good terms with Russia before the Ukraine crisis, and now even they were speaking up against what Putin is doing to Ukraine. Putin is losing the support of his own people because of the sanctions placed upon it by other countries. Ukraine already had a bad economy before Putin attacked and now Ukraine’s economy is even worse. Ukraine is losing some of its revenue from the coal mines because they are now in rebel hands.
          The world economy is starting to realize what is happening, and they are trying to help. For example, according to Reuters (2015), the International Monetary Fund plans to allocate $10 billion for Ukraine’s economy over the next year. With all the money being pumped into Ukraine, the I.M.F has stated that they believe the Ukrainian economy should grow two percent after a reduction of five and a half this year (Reuters, 2015). The Ukraine economy was already bad before the Russians came, and now their economy is even worse because of all the fighting they have to endure. Ukraine has to fight a war on two fronts; they have to physically defend Ukraine, and they have to fight against their debt. If Russia would leave Ukraine alone, then both economies would prosper and the people of Ukraine could live in peace.



Russia needs to stop its violence against Ukraine for both countries to prosper again. Ukraine is struggling to become a prosperous country because of Russia. Russia wouldn’t have as many sanctions against them.Both economies would start to rise and the citizens of Ukraine would be able to live without the fear of their city being attacked by their former neighbors(i.e., rebels). If both countries could learn how to cooperate instead of only fight each other, they could accomplish much together.Regrettably, the people of Ukraine must learn how to live until this crisis is over.

The author's comments:

I wanted to do this topic because the situation in Ukraine interests me. Also, I have a friend that lives in Russia that I met in Poland on a vacation trip. This situation seems like it could quickly escalate into a war, so I wanted to research on the events leading up to the current situation.

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