ISIS: A Growing Superpower | Teen Ink

ISIS: A Growing Superpower

April 8, 2016
By Z.Sadoun BRONZE, Burbank, Illinois
Z.Sadoun BRONZE, Burbank, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some may call them terrorists, some may call them liberators. ISIS is a cockroach infestation in an already failing small business restaurant; the Middle East. ISIS is an extremist militant group which is currently in control of territories in Iraq and Syria. ISIS’ violent regime that uses extreme and/or confrontational methods in support of their cause has given them the name “extremist militant group.” They then branched off and started to invade and attack several areas in the middle east. ISIS has wreaked havoc across the middle east and is planning to expand their power elsewhere. Will ISIS get so big it will attack the United States of America? ISIS has accumulated millions of dollars from capturing oil refineries, ransoms, and more which keeps them in power. ISIS has too much power and must be taken down immediately.

Although ISIS has lathered fear throughout the middle east and the world, some may argue that ISIS has brought positive effects to the areas that they have affected. Swara Kadir (2014), a writer for The Kurdish Globe (Erbil, Iraq), wrote that ISIS has helped the Kurdish economy because other countries have started to send their aid to the autonomous region of Kurdistan.The Kurdish government is currently receiving an enormous amount of support from neighboring countries. They have received weapons, military supplies, and other necessities which is strengthening the control that the Kurds have over ISIS. ISIS coming to Iraq will help in the long term because of the amount of support that they are receiving from neighboring lands. ISIS is helping the environments that they have affected.

ISIS first formed around 1999 but was part of Al-Qaeda; another extremist militant group. ISIS has taken hold of a vast majority of land in a very short amount of time. They have done this through oil smuggling, ransoms, stealing artifacts, and many other ways to fund their devious plan to rise to power. Ashley Fantz (2015), a reporter for CNN, writes that ISIS makes around $2 million every day from oil sales coming from oil refineries that ISIS already has control over . With this amount of control, ISIS has been trying to build a self-sufficient state. ISIS now has such an abundance of power that they are trying to force their beliefs and views over innocent people and make them live under their rule. ISIS also steals money from banks as another mean of income. In June of 2014, ISIS stole an estimated $500 million from a numerous amount of banks in Mosul, Iraq (How ISIS makes money, 2015). ISIS has already wreaked too much havoc in the middle east and must be stopped.

ISIS is starting to affect every inch of every country. ISIS has started to release propaganda through numerous social media outlets. In July of 2015 two British teens,  Zahra Halane and her twin sister Salma Halane, fled their homes in Manchester to join ISIS in Syria (Zahra and Salma Halane: Missing twins 'now in Syria', 2014). They first got involved with ISIS on twitter and since then they were ambushed into ISIS’s trap. ISIS has started to advertise their views on a worldwide level. There is so much ISIS propaganda (i.e., information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view), ISIS can be compared to McDonald's. ISIS not only is a problem to the Middle East, but is a problem to the whole world.

In a world riddled with different conflicts and problems, why would anyone care about ISIS? The president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, once compared ISIS to a JV (junior varsity) team. There is one reason, ISIS is growing exponentially. In 2013 alone, ISIS took over 8 major cities in Iraq and Syria (Nelson, S., 2014). In 2014, ISIS had control of 34,000 square miles of land in the middle east (ISIS Fast Facts, 2015). To put into perspective, that is over 16 million football fields. That is almost 3 times the size of Lesotho (country located in south Africa). ISIS is even trying to build a self-sufficient state; which is possible considering  the amount of money they make each day. ISIS is a growing power that gets bigger everyday and wants to force their rule onto everyone in the world. ISIS has too much power and must be taken down immediately.

The author's comments:

I started out writing this essay thinking of this as just an assignment for class, but after spending a lot of time editing and conversing with my teacher about how I can make my article better I started to enjoy the process. As time went on, I wanted to put as much effort as I could into this one article and I am finally pleased of how it came out.

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