No More Guns | Teen Ink

No More Guns

May 4, 2016
By EmeraldMills BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
EmeraldMills BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

More legal guns is not safer just think of San Bernardino mass shooting. “No gun control law has stopped Robert L. Dear dr. from allegedly killing three people in Colorado” (Farago, 1). More guns will make it easier for people to get guns. Many accident has happened in the past because of legal gun. A man in Florida, meanwhile, shot and killed a fellow moviegoer after said viewer refused to stop texting.

More legal guns do not make America safer. Back in the past year’s we needed them to protect our country but now they're just using them in the wrong way. Now people use them to hurt innocent people, people at the wrong place,and people they don’t like. We should not bring more guns they are not helpful.

Guns don’t make me feel safe they make me feel unsafe. A seventeen year old boy named T.J Lane walked in Chardon High School and shot it up for no good reason(Lepore,1). Russell King, another seventeen year old junior two students that his high school table(Lepore,1). So many kids high school students shooting up their schools for no good reason they should talk to someone if they was feeling sad.

Gun massacres most often use legal weapons. In the last 30 years, about three quarters of the guns used were obtained legally by the killer of a family member(Ridder,2). 12 year old who apparently took his family’s shotgun and injured two of his classmates(Milligan,1). It’s never safe to have a gun in the house because kids are very curious.

Guns are not safe at all not even a little. There were 8,583 homicides by firearms in 2011, out of 12,664 homicides total, according to the FBI.  America still has a homicide rate of 4.7 murders per 100,000 people. Homicides is the second cause of death.

In my opinion I don’t think guns are safe but for some people guns are a good thing to have because something happened to them and now they're scared and feel safe with them. Guns are not the best thing in the world but their scared something might happen to them again. However just because guns make you feel safe don’t make them safe what if they have a child and this child got to the gun not so safe now.

Guns could never be safe with the people that live in our world. Guns don’t make life better they make it thing worse. Some people feel safe with them and others are afraid of with them. In my opinion guns should be banned or only the police should have then. We should all come together and stop gun violence

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