Do More Legal Guns Make America Safer? | Teen Ink

Do More Legal Guns Make America Safer?

May 4, 2016
By Anonymous

Just Because it legal guns doesn’t mean it will be safe you can shoot yourself. Someone can steal your firearm in shoot someone ills with it .For example a kid can be bullied everyday in school in get tired of it and steal their parents legal firearm and shot the bully and kills him

I think more guns in this world would not make America Safer

Children can shoot their self or shoot someone ills. “At least 265 people were accidentally shot by kids this year”. ”In 2015 on a Monday  a four year old boy found a gun belonging to his father the gun went off and killed William”. If they keep firearms around I think before you can get one you have to have a safe to put it in to keep it away from Children

Children can be playing with a gun and accidentally shoot their friend.  “In 2015 around 10:40 pm officers were called to the 6900 block of Carleton Avenue South for a report of shoot fired there was a young man playing with a gun and accidentally shoot his friend in the leg with his father’s gun”.This shows that even if we have legal guns children and grown ups can still get shot or killed by a firearm. “Texas boy 8 years old accidentally shoot and kills friend with rifle”. Once again   keeping firearm can still harm people  in this world because guns are not safe at all and will never be safe.

Guns are also involved in suicides and accidents  “19,392 of 38,264 suicides in 2010 involved a gun 50%, according to the CDC”. “There were 606 firearm-related accidents in the same year about 5% of the number of intentional gun deaths”. This is alot of number so to stop this now we need to give up the firearm I understand that we have   crazy people in this world but shooting that crazy person is also making it worse day by day.

Some people, however, think more guns make us safer. They feel protected by the gun. Though it may make you feel safe, a room full of guns is much more dangerous than a room with them. Just like a country full of guns, is more safer than a country without them
The blood and anger that gun violence and its surrounding argument have created only to continue the problem.





  Knowles, David. "Boy, 8, Accidentally Kills Friend, 5." NY Daily News. Web. 04 May 2016. The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company. Web. 04 May 2016.  "Kids Accidentally Shot People 5 times a Week on Average in 2015." Web. 04 May 2016. Farago, Robert. "Gun Control Is Not the Answer: Opposing View." USA Today. Gannett, 2015. Web. 04 May 2016. 

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