Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

May 4, 2016
By doughboy1 BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
doughboy1 BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Senator Richard blumenthal said on Sunday he wanted to revive gun control legislation. U.S. President Barack Obama made gun control a priority shortly shortly after Adam Lanza, 20, killed twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown with an assault-style rifle and two handguns in December 2012.
More legal guns  makes America safer. It makes it safer because anyone can’t harm you without you being able to protect yourself. “Self defense is a fundamental right” says the National Rifle Association Institute (NRAI). Violent crime goes down when more people people legally carry guns .

Anyone can’t just buy a gun without having a background check and more. If you went through a background check and passed that mean the government trusts you and you are clean. Also if you have a gun, you haven't done anything wrong in your past.

Another reason is that more gun control will reduce the amounts of killings. Mentally ill people can’t get a hold of those guns and do anything bad like they did in the past.  “Guns were the leading cause of death by homicide (66.6% of all homicides) and by suicide (52.2% of all suicides).”

Even though you get a gun you can’t get it took and that person can do something bad with it. “Gun control laws are racist; Current gun control laws are frequently aimed at inner city, poor, black communities who are perceived as more dangerous than white gun owners.

Now it's not guaranteed that you can get it stolen and that person that do take isn't always guaranteed to do something bad with it they might turn it into the cops. The statics does show that's  black inner city men that's poor does not need to carry a concealed weapon but not every man in this world do bad unnecessary  things with it.

That's why more legal guns make america safer, even though  there are some possible bad things that can happen it's still guaranteed to make America a better place.

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