Trump vs. Clinton | Teen Ink

Trump vs. Clinton

May 10, 2016
By Anonymous

As the 2016 election nears, many voters have found themselves undecided and discontented between the two presumptive nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  While voters may be unhappy with their choices, they must realize that the election could have the most impact on the future of the nation than any election ever before.  A nation that faces nearly 20 million dollars in debt, more than doubling its debt in the last eight years, a true leader must be elected in November.

The voters of the United States however face a crossroad, political correctness and dishonesty or trust and reform.  Hillary Clinton’s experience as a politician has been filled with deception, lies, and scandals.  Clinton has established herself as a candidate who will say and do anything to get elected.  From covering up the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and proceeding to lie to the families of those four Americans about the cause of their deaths, to deleting emails from her private server that could easily put the United States at risk for more terrorist attacks if hacked into, to changing her stance on many positions like gay marriage.  Hillary Clinton is quite the flawed candidate in the eyes of many, thus allowing for the surge of the other “Democratic” candidate Bernie Sanders.  Never in the history of the United States could anyone ever imagine a card-carrying member of the socialist party being a legitimate contender for the nomination in a party.  However, due to Clinton’s many flaws, Sanders has become a viable option in the eyes of many democrats.  But let’s not forget Debbie Wasserman Shultz, the head of the Democratic National Committee, when asked what the difference was between a socialist and a democrat, was unable to answer the question.

Yet, while the Democratic party continues its search for a nominee, the “divided” Republican party has chosen its nominee, Donald Trump.  Yes, Donald Trump has his flaws too.  He has declared bankruptcy four times, he is viewed as a very radical candidate, he has no political experience, and he is not politically correct.  However, he still will be a tough task for Clinton to beat.  Trump has been able to tap into the anger of the American people and appeal to them through the approach of an outsider.  This approach has paid off for Trump as he has broken all types of records, from the most total votes for a Republican nominee ever, to highest voter turnout in the history of the party, while also running against the most opponents in recent memory, 17.  Trump’s success as a businessman proves his desirability to the people.  Yes, Donald Trump declared bankruptcy four times, however he also still has over 515 companies and has employed thousands of people, and has been able to turn one million dollars into billions.  Yes, Donald Trump is viewed as a radical candidate for the things he says, however in most cases the true meaning of his words is misconstrued.  Yes, Donald Trump has no political experience as a politician, however he does have experience on the corruption side of politics as he himself has funded campaigns for the sole purpose of political gain for his business.  Yes, Donald Trump is not politically correct, yet that is the beauty of his campaign, a straightforward approach and truth on display for the American people.  Donald Trump’s “flaws” presented by the liberal media are simply the media’s attempt to create another four more years of Obama’s failed policies in the form of Hillary Clinton.

As November approaches, it is time for the voters to make the tough choice of who to vote for in the upcoming election.  But actually, the choice is pretty clear, vote for the person responsible for for bankruptcies or the person responsible for four American lives?

The author's comments:

As the 2016 election approches, the futur of the nation is at stake, whether we will be a nation under God or a nation down under.

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This article has 3 comments.

wazuppeeps said...
on Feb. 20 2017 at 11:22 am
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Good one wmbivalent thats what I had in mind

wazuppeeps said...
on Feb. 20 2017 at 11:21 am
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
You have to come up with there commons and there contrast

on May. 14 2016 at 6:13 pm
ambivalent SILVER, West Bend, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 180 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. [sylvia plath]

you have the start of a decent argument. however, it could be made stronger if you include more of trump's positives, instead of focusing on clinton's negatives.