Driverless Cars | Teen Ink

Driverless Cars

May 31, 2016
By ScreenName123456789 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
ScreenName123456789 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dude wheres my car

Over the past few years scientists have been researching and designing cars that can actually drive themselves. Driverless cars are safe because they provide safety for the people in them while the car is driving anywhere. In the United States 185 crashes happen per 100 million vehicle miles traveled. That is a lot of driving. That many miles traveled can be dangerous even though only 185 crashes happen within the 100 million miles. These cars that get in the car accidents have killed 34,000 people last year in the United States alone. That is a lot of people that die driving. The death rate for people driving is big. These self driving cars are safe for the people in the them. The car stopped for a tumble weed that can be huge because the car can break for a animal even though no one is going to stop for a bird in the road.


The majority of accidents were caused by human errors in the accidents that happened last year. Over 90 percent were caused by human errors that is a very high number. The people that are on the roads these days don't think about what they are doing. They can be on their phone, going over the speed limit, they can be drunk and they could be high from smoking weed or doing other types of drugs. That is illegal to be drinking and driving and doing drugs is illegal driving or not. People make bad decisions while they are doing drugs or drinking and being drunk. The self driving car will drive the people who are drunk home. The people that are high and doing drugs and making bad decisions will get a ride home as well. Those people driving on the road will not be driving anymore and the self driving car goal is to bring the death rate from driving down to zero.

The accidents the driverless cars have been in were human caused accidents. The humans had rear ended them. The humans driving out there don't pay attention there should be no reason to rear end someone unless your breaks are bad and they should get that fixed anyway before they hit the road. People should not have to check their phone until they stop driving completely. They can pull off the road and take a phone call if needed in an emergency. Inside the driving cars you will be able to text and call and not have to pay attention. You will have all the time in the world to do whatever you want to. There is no possible way people are going to stop using their phones while driving because they have done it for so long but they don't know that anything can happen to anyone at any given time.

The driverless cars have a hard time handling traffic signals and do really poor in bad weather conditions. The cars have sensors on the side to stay in the lane and with rain on the road and snow it will be real tough because sometimes no one plows the road. The rain has a reflection like effect on the rain that is on the road and it will be hard because the sensors can pick that up and drive into the other lane. Offroading in the mountains hunting can be a huge deal because they don't have lines to follow and they could go off the edge at any given moment. Though the driverless cars have some stuff that needs improvement they can still be safe for people because they have not got into an accident that was caused by the self driving car.

I believe that the driverless cars are a great idea. They are safe for the people in them. The people in them can being doing whatever and they will get home safely. The car won't be drunk or high. The car won't be texting people and taking phone calls, and being unsafe on the road. They won't have a problem with hitting any animals or anything in the road the car will break for it and it will be on the road the whole time and they have not been in any accidents and they shouldn't the way the car is made. Therefor, I think the driverless cars are a great invention and will bring the death rate from driving down a lot to zero.

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